letters never mean to be read

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The smoke from your pipe envelopes my senses.
Your smile etched in my mind.
The rough of your hands kind and gentle against the face of a child.
I can see the mountains grandfather.
I see the mist rising above the purple heights and feel the cool dampness across my brow.
When I was small I couldn't appreciate these early morning walks..especially during winter months.
But I remember it all.
You taught me to call to the wind..inviting sounds to birds nesting on high.
You taught me patience through example...in healing creatures great and small.
I never learned fear grandfather..
but I did learn patience.
And through patience..many strengths.
Everything is a great cycle as you spoke.
All of life is connected and has purpose.
The frost is heavy against my breath now grandfather.
As I inhale.. the smoke envelopes my senses.
Dear, F.,
Where in the world can u be? Are u far or some place near? Where did u move?How's your life going? What's new? I spoke to your neighbor Johny, he said the whole family moved out couple of years ago. Did your parents go bankrupt and had to sell the house?I would like to hear that story.
I always remembered friends and people that I loved but totally forgot that u were in my life.I never liked you, you know. I don't remeber how we met and what was the last thing we talked about. Because I didn't care.Actually I do...lol..did you really think that I would go to that motel? You said we wouldn't do anything but I know you lied and thought I was so stupid to believe you?Just because at 2 am you announced that your highness was coming all the way from Jersey on a twoseater brown ugly horse, I had to get up ,get dressed and greet your ass ?Yea, I did. But it really meant nothing more.You don't know me, fool. All I wanted was to get home back into my bed. I was tired didn't hear the half of your bed time stories. Next morning I forgot that you exist for the next six years.
After all these years all of a sudden you pop up in my mind?wtf? Why?Is there a reason for it?Is it some kind of a trick? We weren't together long enough for me to remember who you were. You have no idea what my mother told me then. She said to stay away from you. I just really wish You got your strange self out of my mind once and for all. I don't want you, I'm sure you are in some kind of trouble. But I want to say Hi, something in me wants it. It'd be nice if you just showed up out of nowhere on the street, we talked for a little while so that I can get over this.

Believe me, I don't wan't to see your face. You are so stubborn. If person isn't interested why would you still insist? You would mess up my life if you appeared. I don't want to see you, believe me, but it feels like it's necessary like it's an emeregency or something. I need this thing people call closure..what the hell is it and for what?
Dear E,

I'm sorry, sometimes I get weak. I know that I can't depend on anyone, and I know that I know not to expect anything from life - but sometimes I wish things could be different.

I accept everything that I am. I even accept that I'll never deserve nor ever be loved. I just wish it could be different.

I'm sorry that I'm weak. It'll pass.

Dear Watson,
I did it! I'm so proud of myself, and I know if you were here you'd be proud as well. I didn't even know if I could put it in to words, but even with all the hurt that clouds my mind I've managed to escape it all, for this moment. I finished it. This one song can't change my world, but it was the process, and when I saw it on paper, it was done and I knew. I have faced my past, and ours, I faced it and I've moved on.
I feel so free. Maybe I'll be dead tomorrow, but for now I don't even care. I'm just so glad that I had lived when I had wished that I would not. For the first time I am happy to have survived when you had not. And though you are gone, I felt you there, with me, but I was not afraid. I'm glad to have lived, if only so that I could have sat to watch the sun rise this morning, knowing that I am me and in myself I am free, to be whomever I want and all that I wanted. My guitar in hand, and this new song to sing, I sat and watched the sun rise above the roof tops, and it felt so great to be alive.
It's true, I still miss you every day, but the hole in my heart is healing. The hurt I feel is fading, until only a distant fondness remains. You are with me, always, but for today you've ceased to bring me pain.
I will never cease to cherish your memory,
Dear __________,

Seriously, I'm beginning to loathe talking to you. Don't get me wrong; doing so is often one of the most therapeutic and emotionally inspiring activities in which I participate. However, here it is, a holiday that's not applicable to me, a fair skinned white child, and there's nothing to do. I offered to hang out with you, but instead, I get an email in which you not only decline, but proceed to discuss how lonely you are, and how you don't understand why no one asks you to do anything.

If I were having a low self esteem day (which is OFTEN, considering I have the self esteem of a BROKEN DOOR more days than not, it seems....), I'd think I wasn't good enough. But since today isn't all that bad for met yet, I can clearly realize that it's just you, not me, who has the problem. I'm good enough to spend time with anyone, but since you're unable to accept an outreached hand, you can stay in your bout of self pity. I hope you enjoy solitude today, as I'm sure to find something else to do.

Speaking of this topic, please stop smiling and twisting your hair when we talk; it makes me think things I'd rather not have on my mind.

JC, Despite you being mean, I like you, you rule! Seriously, you influenced me so much and when I leave I'm not sure how I'm going to thank you. I know everyone's always going on about how I fancy you but I don't, I just admire you! No offense but you're a bit old. Oh, come on, it's not like you ever drop the fact that I'm short. :)

A, I love you. It's not something that I feel the need to act on, but you deserve to know, and in the words of James, "I will bear my soul in time, when I'm kneeling at your feet." Thanks for making me so happy for so long, it was worth all the ensuing misery! I wish I'd never been so horrible to you, I've never met anyone like you- and I miss you more than I can say, even just as a friend. I hope you're happy with Gemma. Have an amazing life- god knows you deserve it.

J- If it weren't for you, I'd either be dead or a lot happier- either way I wouldn't have written so many songs, or fallen in love with doing it. I can't work out if i listen to you because I'm miserable or listening to you makes me miserable, but either way I love doing it! Ironic really, I thrive on misery ;) I admire the way you deal with everything so well- you said once that you were never alone, there was always someone with you- I definatley couldn't deal with that. And you continue to express youself in such beautiful, personal, easy to relate to ways- you must be some kind of fallen angel ;). Every song of yours could be about me. Every song has some personal connotation- makes me think you're following me round... haha, I wish.

M, you logged in just now then logged off again, I hope you weren't waiting for me to talk, I just have this thing about never starting conversations. It's not because I don't want to talk to you, I think it's just because of the shyness thing. Anyway I hope you aren't annoyed or anything. I enjoy talking to you, I hope I haven't put you off, it probably seems kind of rude but it honestly isn't meant to be!
Dear One,

In light of recent events I now find myself having to write to you as a close and concerned friend. As you know we have known each other for many years now and I have been as best a friend to you as I can be. I have listened to all your problems and gripes with life and given advice as best I can, yet I fear my words fall on deaf ears.

Please note that I am happy that you have begun seeking advice from others and trying to make some progress on your situation. Yet you know as well as I do that the only person who can really make things right is you.

Even though we’ve known each other years, I still don’t know just who you are.. I mean just who are you? Is this really you who are? You being what you wish you was? Or you being what people want you to be? Do you even know anymore? Have you grown so attached to your masks of personality that you’re becoming what you created?

You seem to wallow away your life indoors, making yourself your own prisoner. You turn down any opportunity where there’s a chance to be social, and you have thrown away some good offers.

Please take the advise given to you by your friends and make something of yourself, the more you hide away like you are the worse things will get for you, none of us would like to see you return to how you was when things were bad. You had the strength to conquer that part of your life, find it in yourself once again to overcome whatever is holding you back.

I hope to see you out soon, fulfilling all those dreams you talked about.

Best Wishes – Your friend - A
Dear Ms. X

Yo whats up Senpai! Hehe on most journal entrys, you would always comment me. And its great to know I have someone semi there for me. Usually im always envious of people because they have friends that fix misunderstanding or solve problems by talking to the other party. I don't have that, sadly, gwahaha. If only I had that kind of friend, they could explain to Sleeping Beauty how lonely I am. Rather i'll just state how lonely I am right now! My mom works alot so I don't really see her that much. Her hours make it so that im alone in the house for most of the day. Dad? Which one? The one who abandoned me or the one who disappeared from my life? My brother and sister live with my dad so I have nobody to pick on for my amusement. You still have family Sleeping Beauty. Your mom, dad, your brother, and my sister. Sure you lost friends, family, and your house maid. But you just wont know how its like if you had nothing at all. I realized all this when I stayed at my friend's house, it was so warm. The aura of their house was like anti-lonliness im not kidding. The mom is really cool she was into anime and stuff, also yugioh which was pretty strange. One of the sisters claimed she was in my fan club, but had a demon cow side, that came to beat the crap out of me. The younger sister is into guns so we always shot each other. Mr. M, my friend, is also cool he let me play his video games and gave me stuff. The dad is really nice he said I was welcome anytime. Saturday till today (Tuesday) was heaven. Everyone was friendly, and the food there is good. Its just soooo homely. Something I was missing from my childhood, like when everyone sat at the table and ate. These are my feelings. It doesnt matter whos more lonlier then who. Lonliness is the same wherever you go.

An old letter that was never sent

Mr. M betrayed me, so I don't consider him as a friend anymore. But Sleeping Beauty woke up.
Dear NeverMore,
It's been a while. It's like your trying to ignore me or something.... Do you think what were doing is right? She was there for you so many times and now .....your going to cut her from your life entirely? You swore you'd always be there for her, or was that just a contrived jumble of words that meant nothing?But what she did wasn't right, you know it wasn't right, you would have never done that to her, that hurt you, it truly did...And you know it's time to move on she doesn't need you anyways. But letting her go ...entirely... Can we even do that? So much of who we are is because of her, so much of what we believe to be true in the world it's all linked to her, we'd have to build ourself up from nothing, know nothing about the world, change your entire way of looking at life, things don't happen for a reason, some things are truly pointless... We can make us better then we were before, change our life this could just be the beginning not just an end! Honestly you know you hated who you were, it wasn't working something had to give...Knock it all down,build it all again!You can do this! First thing is first, erase her number from your phone, delete her as a friend burn your journal for the past two years if you have to forget her......she doesn't exist......we can do this...

Hey you,
Pay attention.
This may or may not be of any significance to you, but just lend an ear anyway.
Or an eye, whatever.
I'm done with this.
I'm sick of the abuse.
I don't need this.
I don't need anyone.
Why do I stand by people as though I could not stand on my own?
Of what value are friends, anyway?
I don't really want this, do I?
I'm sick of feeling inferior.
I know that I am, and in my present situation, it would be ridiculous to expect anything else.
Do we need the constant reminders?
I'll do it myself, I'll prove it.
I am something.
I don't need you to hold my hand.
I don't need you to carry my things.
I can walk on my own. I can carry my own sh*t. I can open the door and close it too. I can pay for dinner, I can walk through a f*cking puddle, I can hang up my own damn coat.
It won't hurt my feelings, and yes, I could beat the **** out of you.
Don't believe me?
Ask the horses.
If I can manhandle a thousand pound animal into behaving properly, I can certainly beat some sense into your scrawny little manlet ass.
Trust me, I can.
You aren't better than me just because you came up with one single chord progression.
Four chords, seriously.
You aren't a big deal.


men make no sense.

Oh, alright.
I'll go along with it.
You shat out four chords, and I wrote five verses.
I don't see how that makes it entirely your song, but I'll go along with it.

Just for ***** and giggles, I'll go along with it.

-One very P.O.ed lyricist, poet, vocalist and rhythm guitarist.
Dear E,

I love you and always will. I felt such a passion that if any intensity could have melted through your defences, I would have given it. Not that it matters a bit to you, but still. You should know that its not my fault that I am me, and that I look this way. I try so hard to make up for it, even though in some ways, I know that it can't be compensated for.

I'm sorry. I still will always love you.

Unconditionally yours,
Dear J,

It's over; I can't take any more. At this point, I'm not even worried if you hate me for it, as I've grown to hate everything you stand for. Your cult has ruined you, as has your falsely high opinion of yourself and your inability to perform hard work for the betterment of yourself and others.

Were the last six years a mistake or waste? That's for you to decide. As for me, I'm still a twenty-something, and I'm moving on. Do what you want with yourself, and without sounding terribly rude, I don't really want to hear from you anymore.

Dear whoever,
My head's going to explode.
armor4sleepPA said:
Dear J,

It's over; I can't take any more. At this point, I'm not even worried if you hate me for it, as I've grown to hate everything you stand for. Your cult has ruined you, as has your falsely high opinion of yourself and your inability to perform hard work for the betterment of yourself and others.

Were the last six years a mistake or waste? That's for you to decide. As for me, I'm still a twenty-something, and I'm moving on. Do what you want with yourself, and without sounding terribly rude, I don't really want to hear from you anymore.


Armor,sorry to hear ur going through this everyday, it will get better for u :)
Dear authority figures that control my life,
I'm planning on staying up all night to watch one piece and play pokemon. I really don't care if I fall asleep in class, after all that's half the reason I even bother to go.
Qui said:
Dear authority figures that control my life,
I'm planning on staying up all night to watch one piece and play pokemon. I really don't care if I fall asleep in class, after all that's half the reason I even bother to go.

You are a hero to me, Qui, a god damn hero.

Dear Father
I really ******* hate you sometimes and I don't know why. For some reason just thinking about you seems to bring out the worst of my self-pitying self. Sometimes I will just sit and imagine you bursting in through the door to kick the crap out of me just so I could justify killing you in a fight later. I'm not normally a violent person, and I never think about hurting other people, so why do I keep seeing this in my mind?

I don't want to be a violent person, I don't like violent fantasies, I really thought I'd got over that side of my personality. I don't know what I want from you. You've never been cruel to me and you're only human, I mean just having sex with my mother doesn't mean you owe me anything. I'm not even sure what the point of us meeting again would be, I just hate having all these bloody thoughts.

~Another angsty teen
ashleigh_phoenix said:
is this thread for letters that are for people who shouldn't read them?

Basically yea, letters that you know won't ever be read by who there for....I think
they're for us to write letters that we probably wouldn't really send, but yet truly feel that way. Sort of like venting, if you will...

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