letters never mean to be read

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Im tired of feeling alone and left out, of being lied to by the scant few I trust, and being ignored by those I thought I knew. I do know one thing though, if something major were to happen in my life (you know what Im talking about >.>) then Im done with this, moving on. If you found this letter on my desk then it has prbly already happened and Im on my way to Canada or whereever Im off too...dont think I would be that precise ^^ I do know how to hide ya know. Dont worry, Im not the suicidal type, no need to search for a body. Ill be running all night to get to where I want to go. I want to feel free and be a part of this world. For too long have I been used and abused by my so called friends. Im off to Israel or Egypt or Russia, maybe Canada.... one of those places ^^

sayanora and farewell to those of you that werent a part of the problem, but you obviously didnt do enough to keep me grounded, so thanks for little.

{I havent run away, so dont go 911 on my ass please...it isnt meant to be read for a reason lol, just to relieve stress}
Yeah same here. Im so confused that i wish i could just sleep. Im going to marry this year and i want it and i dont want it. But i need to cause i dont want to hurt anyone. So i have just one choice... and... if i dont marry, what am i going to do with my life? All my future is there, with him. Sometimes i stop and think in all guys i left behind and that i knew they like me and i never did anything to make them feel better. I didnt know how it is bad when we like someone and this someone doesnt like us. And i was never afraid of living my life with someone i love but not the way i should. I know its just a moment and i will get over it. Good things will come. They must to come. I would like to have courage to break my pc today... but i will just try to be strong. Lol how is that song of that blonde girl?? Big girls dont cry? Yeah! She is right!
Fergie-big girls don't cry.. that is such a lie, I cry way more than i did when i was younger... so much more emotinally distraught..

Lol but we do what must to be done, right. Life is simple. We make it complicated. Everything is simple.. In a war you fight or hide, you die or kill and my choices are just two too. And the choice of hurting someone is not the one im going to choose. Yeah, we cry a bit lol But i already took two nice pills to sleep and in half an hour i will fine.
This doesn't hurt.
I swear.
There's nothing wrong here.
Dear life,
Yeah. Keep ******* with me. Mold me in your image. Make me evil. Tear away all my hopes, tear away every dream, tear away all of my morals.
And when I am a husk, I shall be ready to be filled with your darkness. My soul shall be black as the tar that is your essence. Convert me, push me harder and harder until I can no longer take it and my mind breaks under the weight.

Keep on pushin it. Lets see what ****** happens.
Dear life,

I woke up today sometimes I wish I wouldnt im wondering what my life is for
why I live,why I am here, and why I put up with the **** i do can somone hear me do they know my pain?

Hijacc said:
Dear life,

I woke up today sometimes I wish I wouldnt im wondering what my life is for
why I live,why I am here, and why I put up with the **** i do can somone hear me do they know my pain?


I hear you man. I hear you.
Dear people who work at the college cafeteria,

LEARN HOW TO COOK F***ING RICE, you have no idea how many times I've walked in and said: "alright they have rice,sweet!" and got a plate full of it and sat down all excited that I would get to eat some rice I take a bite and BAM it's the worst tasting lemon flavored **** you can imagine or it's so overcooked it's like chewing glass!!! Come on it's not that hard I can cook rice and I'm terrible at cooking.... If I wasn't terrified of people I would march back there and talk to the manager and ask him to taste it and see if he could chew one bite without clasping his tongue in pain...Or start a protest group or something,Damn...

Sincerely pissed off,

Why do when I try to prove my argument I tend to make an ass out of myself?.....eh, confronting the issues is never easy and I dont do a good job of presenting the best words to describe my opinions.....
Why doesn't anyone understand?
No one even tries anymore, I know we've never really known anything at all, but always there where those who tried.
But now, oh no, not now. No one cares to see past the end of their own nose. To see the beasts of old come creeping it.
Can't we all just go back, back to the days when the world was flat and to see a thing was enough, enough to know it and believe it through your very veins of subconscious, eternal thought? What happened to our bright future? Where has our better life and science gone?
I see the world of a flailing, dying past, and I hate it.
It's an ugly thing with teeth that gnash inside a rotting mouth of discrimination, colored crayons, and style.
I hate this future we have come to, I hate the past that we've become, eternally, in a smog-choked breath of venom air.
All I want is to go back, to the world before I was a child.
I want the future that could have been, that should have been, with the better life we'd have had, through science and a breakfast pill. Through robots in orbit in space.
I want to go there, I want it with each beat of my sickly heart, to live the life that we'd been promised, the life we'll never know, but the past,
the past just wont let go...
gee, I so wanna write a huge damn letter to someone...but its just gonna make me look stupid, worse that i already am.
aaaawwwwwwwwwwww.......thaaaaaaank u.
ur so sweet
Luna said:
You never looked stupid

Its time to start :K
yo, today i laughed pretty hard a couple of times, ppl u crack me up.
i never looked stupid
, but its time to start?...no kidding.

i know u mean well though...thanks
Luna said:
You never looked stupid

Its time to start :K
yo, today i laughed pretty hard a couple of times, Luna,Hijacc, Bluey, Skorian, u crack me up ppls.
i never looked stupid
, but its time to start?...no kidding.

i know u mean well though...thanks
Hijacc said:
you wont look stupid we all love you :)

I second that. Hell, my last letter was about crayons and the world being flat. Now that's stupid.

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