Now now Lady, there's no need to scratch your eyes out yet 
(likes you too)
(likes you too)
perfanoff said:Now now Lady, there's no need to scratch your eyes out yet
(likes you too)
Veruca said:Would you guys get turned off if a girl wanted to get serious before having sex?
Or how long would you be willing to put it off until it became necessary for it to happen?
BrokenInside said:What are the things that turn off you guys?
Limlim said:(Best part is everyone following this post has to mention that they agree with me or there will be that hidden implication that they enjoy poo play)
Veruca said:Would you guys get turned off if a girl wanted to get serious before having sex?
Or how long would you be willing to put it off until it became necessary for it to happen?
Veruca said:Would you guys get turned off if a girl wanted to get serious before having sex?
Or how long would you be willing to put it off until it became necessary for it to happen?
Veruca said:Would you guys get turned off if a girl wanted to get serious before having sex?
Or how long would you be willing to put it off until it became necessary for it to happen?
Edward W said:Men are not big on talking about emotions in general, mainly I think because society tells us we have to be strong and not show emotions, like it's a weakness or something.
I guess also we find it harder because we are less emotional as beings than women, just one of the many interesting differences between the genders. I recall a show on TV showing some of the differences in how men and women think. One test was a picture and you had to guess the emotion of the person in the picture, guess who was better at it?
Not everyone is the same of course, but maybe that helps?
PS - I'll stop now Lady F, I promise!
Limlim said:BrokenInside said:What are the things that turn off you guys?
Girls who are into scat, both kinds even. I couldn't stand it if a girl wanted to take a dump on my chest, worse if she was singing "Shebadedoba doop!" at the same time.
Just... say no to scat.
(Best part is everyone following this post has to mention that they agree with me or there will be that hidden implication that they enjoy poo play)