Questions for the Men

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I can't read 562 posts, but in case nobody has already said: I ask a woman what she's doing on the weekend because I like to watch her lips move. Not so interested in the words coming out, but love those lips! Please don't judge me. Happily married, etc. Also, most people's favourite topic is themselves, so when they're telling me about their plans they aren't asking me anything. Which is cool. Rude, but cool.
Alcohol definately, but that's mostly just me i think. Making fun of other people to try and impress as well. That's about all i can think of on the top of my head.
Let's see..

Trying to make me jealous and playing hard to get would top off my list.
Some others are being always right, lying, being self-fixated.
Being self-absorbed, too much makeup, mistreating/indifference to children, not having a sense of adventure, being more concerned about appearances than character.
Would you guys get turned off if a girl wanted to get serious before having sex?

Or how long would you be willing to put it off until it became necessary for it to happen?
Veruca said:
Would you guys get turned off if a girl wanted to get serious before having sex?

Or how long would you be willing to put it off until it became necessary for it to happen?

No not really.

And i don't know for how long, if there's a connection anyway and it just works well without sex then it's all fine by me.
BrokenInside said:
What are the things that turn off you guys?

Girls who are into scat, both kinds even. I couldn't stand it if a girl wanted to take a dump on my chest, worse if she was singing "Shebadedoba doop!" at the same time.

Just... say no to scat.

(Best part is everyone following this post has to mention that they agree with me or there will be that hidden implication that they enjoy poo play)
Limlim said:
(Best part is everyone following this post has to mention that they agree with me or there will be that hidden implication that they enjoy poo play)

Well played, sir, well played. :p
Veruca said:
Would you guys get turned off if a girl wanted to get serious before having sex?

Or how long would you be willing to put it off until it became necessary for it to happen?

I don't think there's any rule, and depends what you mean by serious, marriage or just going steady for a while?

If a guy wants sex after just a couple of dates or something then that's probably all they are after and it may be better to cut your losses, otherwise sex should just come naturally when both sides feel ready.

If a guy wants a relationship they won't pressure you. Besides, you can always fool around a little first :p

PS - And no 'poo play' for me either +1
Veruca said:
Would you guys get turned off if a girl wanted to get serious before having sex?

Or how long would you be willing to put it off until it became necessary for it to happen?

If I want to get serious with that girl too it will be no problem. I'd say somewhere between 1 and 2 months. I even think it's better to wait with having sex for a while, if you go all the way before you even have a relationship there's not much left to "look forward to".
Veruca said:
Would you guys get turned off if a girl wanted to get serious before having sex?

Or how long would you be willing to put it off until it became necessary for it to happen?

Depends on what you mean by serious. I wouldn't say I'm actually dating a girl until I have had sex with her, so I don't understand how can you be serious before the sex.

I'd usually wait for up to a couple of months after we put it into words that we have a crush on each other. If that doesn't happen I get increasingly grouchy and start wondering if I'm being lead on.

I also think it's good to wait until sex for a while too, though.
Edward W said:
Men are not big on talking about emotions in general, mainly I think because society tells us we have to be strong and not show emotions, like it's a weakness or something.

I guess also we find it harder because we are less emotional as beings than women, just one of the many interesting differences between the genders. I recall a show on TV showing some of the differences in how men and women think. One test was a picture and you had to guess the emotion of the person in the picture, guess who was better at it?

Not everyone is the same of course, but maybe that helps?

PS - I'll stop now Lady F, I promise!

I actually am more like a woman then. I need to know it's real before I'm likely to want sex. I tend to meet girls who are more like men in their sex needs. Which makes things annoying because social mores say I'm the one to ask them out, but I don't know if they're interested unless I see initiative.
Limlim said:
BrokenInside said:
What are the things that turn off you guys?

Girls who are into scat, both kinds even. I couldn't stand it if a girl wanted to take a dump on my chest, worse if she was singing "Shebadedoba doop!" at the same time.

Just... say no to scat.

(Best part is everyone following this post has to mention that they agree with me or there will be that hidden implication that they enjoy poo play)

Rofl Limlim *shakes head*
I actually do agree lol - nuff said.
How important is sexual fantasy?

If you find out a lady is less experienced, conservative, and/or moderate in the bedroom would you cut the relation, try to persuade/influence your fantasy, and/or not be bothered by it? A make or break deal?
Less experienced is fine, not a problem at all. It's the willingness to learn that would matter most to me. I will admit that a partner who is unwilling to at least try something that I consider fun or sexy is a bit disappointing, but if we loved each other a lot and had plenty of fun and stimulation outside of the bedroom then it wouldn't matter. I wouldn't force anything as it just wouldn't be as good for me if I knew she didn't enjoy it (although for the more rapey-inclined people this might be an added bonus).

It also depends on what it is I'm suggesting and if it's going to hurt or generally make them feel uncomfortable. If you don't want me stick a bat up your ass and suck on your dirty toes then that's ok with me lol. Not that I would suggest such a thing anyway but... Yeah...
As long as a woman also makes an effort to pleasure me it's fine I guess (I think most guys think about it that way if you have a relationship), a guy shouldn't have to do all the work (nor does a woman). I don't really think it matters that much if you love eachother like painter's radio said. Experimenting is a plus but as painter's radio said, but when you're in a relationship I doubt that any guy will try to persuade his partner to do something that she doesn't want.

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