TheSkaFish said:
This is pretty much exactly what I mean when I suspect that my personality came out all wrong for the purpose of getting a romantic relationship, because it doesn't have the components for creating attraction - much like you wouldn't go racing in an economy car, or if you did, you'd do badly because it's wrong for that purpose. I did this without knowing that I was doing it, and certainly wouldn't have done this consciously.
So I have to ask, how would you feel a quiet guy can also be confident and show it, enough that you would see him as a potential partner?
I think if you're naturally quiet, and if you feel at peace being that way, then its better to be quiet. But if you feel like you should talk more and if while trying to change this trait, you're able to embrace it, then that's okay too. People always tell me that I shouldn't change who I am, but I feel like our personalities don't have to be written in stone. Well, I can't speak for everyone, but I do believe that trying to change to better one's life experience is a positive thing, but I say this for myself
On the other hand, if trying to change makes you uneasy and like its not quite you, then this might make the situation worse as you may not come across as being authentic. I think this whole thing requires some trial and error and lots of self reflection. Eventually though, it seems likely that we'll figure out what's best for us.
I think confidence is shown not by outward expressions, but rather how one generally makes others feel around them. Like if a guy always puts himself down, or made self depreciating jokes too much, that might indicate to me that he lacks confidence. If a guy blamed other people too much for all the failures or wrongs in his life, that too would make me think he was meek, because he wasn't strong enough to accept and deal with problems. I would also think a guy insecure if he was clingy or possessive.
So the opposite of these, a guy who when he speaks, is able to talk about himself modestly but without highlighting his weaknesses, who is able to deal with problems objectively for the most part, who is able to spend some time independently from his partner, or who is okay with his girlfriend doing things with other people, and even having other male friends....these are some of the things that would make me think a guy was confident, regardless of whether he was quiet or not.
Sorry about the long reply, was hoping it would be helpful