Questions for the Women

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Oldyoung said:
We're going off topic. Again. Just saying.

Here's another question for the ladies.

How do you feel about toy cars versus dolls?

Neither. Lego! Toy of choice back then, toy of choice now. I never played with dolls, hated them, they scared me. And despite having 2 brothers, I don't remember them playing with cars at all either - we all were into Lego.
ardour said:
AmytheTemperamental said:
No, it doesn't in fact show that. It shows what the small population of men on ALL have to ask women. And why don't women ask as much of them? Because the men are always talking about it, and answering any questions we could possibly have. Observation is a powerful tool.’s because we're perceived as losers – probably just by being on the forum – and few people care about what some self-identified loser male thinks.

Well, ardour, to be fair, we're all on the same forum. :) Does that make us all losers? No. Stop being so hard on yourself.

I wonder sometimes why the Questions for the Men thread isn't quite as active as the Questions for the Women thread.
Most of the guys here are already pretty candid about how they think about a lot of things. Maybe it's safety with anonymity. You probably don't see it but a lot of people pay attention to what you and other guys post here on the forum.

Edit to add: I loved playing with dolls as a kid but, alas, my 4 brothers often ripped the heads off and destroyed them. :D I really loved Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs, though. I bought my daughter a set of Lincoln Logs a few Christmases ago.

I think you guys perceive yourself as losers, and constantly throw that aura off. I certainly wouldn't think of anyone as a loser just because they are here. I do read a lot of what you say about yourselves. And most questions I could possibly have are already answered.
Veronika said:
My sister loved cars and I loved dolls but we loved each other so we murdered my dolls with her car :D

!! xD

Oldyoung said:
When you were kids. Did you prefer one over the other.

I played with Barbie dolls by myself and cars with my little brother, hahah. So both. :]
If you knew a male friend had feelings for you, but was willing to stay friends after you rejected him, would you feel comfortable remaining friends with him? Uhh, asking for a friend :p
If a stranger asks you if you are single. Does it make you ....?
uncomfortable? flattered? afraid? happy?
MentatsGhoul said:
If you knew a male friend had feelings for you, but was willing to stay friends after you rejected him, would you feel comfortable remaining friends with him? Uhh, asking for a friend :p

I suppose so. As long as he didn't continue to push anything more. But that would be depending on him and whether or not he could handle being turned down. He would have to get over hurt feelings and not expect me to feel sorry for him either.
MentatsGhoul said:
If you knew a male friend had feelings for you, but was willing to stay friends after you rejected him, would you feel comfortable remaining friends with him? Uhh, asking for a friend :p

As long as HE is okay just being friends, I would have no problem continuing the relationship as it was.

Oldyoung said:
If a stranger asks you if you are single. Does it make you ....?
uncomfortable? flattered? afraid? happy?

None of the above. I don't think it makes me feel anything other than annoyance. :D
SofiasMami said:
ardour said:
AmytheTemperamental said:
No, it doesn't in fact show that. It shows what the small population of men on ALL have to ask women. And why don't women ask as much of them? Because the men are always talking about it, and answering any questions we could possibly have. Observation is a powerful tool.’s because we're perceived as losers – probably just by being on the forum – and few people care about what some self-identified loser male thinks.

Well, ardour, to be fair, we're all on the same forum. :) Does that make us all losers? No. Stop being so hard on yourself.

I wonder sometimes why the Questions for the Men thread isn't quite as active as the Questions for the Women thread.
Most of the guys here are already pretty candid about how they think about a lot of things. Maybe it's safety with anonymity. You probably don't see it but a lot of people pay attention to what you and other guys post here on the forum.

Edit to add: I loved playing with dolls as a kid but, alas, my 4 brothers often ripped the heads off and destroyed them. :D I really loved Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs, though. I bought my daughter a set of Lincoln Logs a few Christmases ago.


thats a good question ..why is the questions for men less active ?
Ladies already know it all? ROFL
But seriously ...why ?
BadGuy said:
thats a good question ..why is the questions for men less active ?
Ladies already know it all? ROFL
But seriously ...why ?

Because the men seem to prefer answering women questions?
Or there's all the arguing the men do in here?
Perhaps it's because less men answer questions in the men thread than women do, so the questions die out quickly?
Women seem to argue less in the men thread?
Hmm, I'm sure there are other reasons.
^ you forgot that us women can't possibly understand no matter how much we agree.
BadGuy said:
thats a good question ..why is the questions for men less active ?
Ladies already know it all? ROFL
But seriously ...why ?

Or perhaps you could say the men seem to have more questions for the ladies.
BadGuy said:
thats a good question ..why is the questions for men less active ?
Ladies already know it all? ROFL
But seriously ...why ?

I never ask questions on the men's thread because I'm just afraid it'll turn into a huge argument and someone will get banned :(
ardour said:
They'd rather get the 'general man' perspective from better specimens I suppose.

There are no better specimens than the men on here. Who just answer everything for us without us having to type :club:
I'm sorry but this is getting out of hand. The last 5 pages are full of what? I'm not condoning or agreeing with what anyone has said here. I'm trying to be a neutral referee in a sense (but I'll be labeled biased by some naturally anyway). Things being said from multiple parties here are getting out of hand. Some of these sentences, if you were to change just one word. The gender, it'd suddenly be far more worse. I'm all for starting this thread over because all I see is hypocrisy right now. Self-justified or not. Both of the threads should be re-named the Biased Drama Bait threads.

Everyone's been conditioned or gone through something in their lives to make them feel the way they do, and a lot of these gender specific questions are intentional drama bait waiting to happen. Stop generalizing, and stereo-typing based off of your experiences and see people for people. I thought that's what this forum was about, some of us come here to escape this sort of crap. :(
Only Callie answered my previous question. Any other women who could chip in?

It was: How do you feel about being asked if you're single, if it's a stranger asking? Or eventually someone you've only known for a very short time.
^It's just a question. People forget that they are in charge, that they can think before they reply, and that they can always decide how they want to answer any question, and if they don't want to give the answer then they have that right too. That particular question isn't insulting or harmful. Maybe a little nosy, but again, no one's being forced to give an answer they don't want, so there doesn't necessarily mean there will be any ill or hostile feelings towards the person asking. Could be annoying to have someone intrude on your business without warning though.

And your other question: Cars. One car specifically. I want an adult sized version of it now.

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