SilentLife said:
I can't be bothered to read through all this thread, but I do have a question to women.
Why do you put some guys into an ever-lasting 'friendzone'? I mean a person with who it is good to talk about many things and fun to spend time with, but never ever anything more than that?
I have never got my head around that.
Personally if I feel someone is good to talk to and spend time with, I am open to anything. Because I view it as a pretty significant connection. And I am not going to reject it for some minor 'issue'.
Not a woman, but I do have experience with this. I've thought the same things as you many times and just about broken my brain over it. I feel the same as you, that if someone is good to talk to and spend time with, I'm open to more, I don't see why not. It doesn't matter to me if a woman is rich or not, ambitious or not (to an extent, but I cut more slack than most), or if she has trouble with social skills and wasn't "cool" growing up. I don't care if a woman is insecure, life's hard and we all have problems, it's hard to do things well, hard to make money, hard to get on a path that's actually any good and to even think you can. And I don't believe anyone who acts like they're strong all the time, so for someone to open up to me about their problems is real to me, and a sign of trust. I actually respect it more than someone who acts like they are flawless. But I feel like it doesn't work the same way for women as it does for men.
Getting stuck on friendship seems to mean a guy is insufficient, too bland, not exciting enough, not making a good enough or big enough impression, has too many problems, not coming off like they're in control of their life, not good enough or "cool" enough. What is "cool"? I don't know. I've been trying to break it down all my life.
It seems to me that being good enough, "cool" enough, is the result of being dominant, or doing things well. I've never been able to be dominant and I've always thought it was dumb and distasteful and a big damn lie, and I was always unsure of my ability to do anything well, so I've come off as a loser without meaning to. I come off as insecure because I don't come off like I know what I'm doing, because I don't. I just BURN to show the world I can be better than that, but I don't know how, or if I even can. I want to be someone who does well, and I don't want to be a "friend", I don't want to be bland, insufficient, weak. I see other guys who wind up in the "friend" category and I don't want to be like them at all, I never have. They project weakness, incompetence, ineptitude - all things I want to be as far away from as possible (not saying you are, cause I have this problem too). I want to feel like I have some punch to me, some energy. But my personality just isn't that of a cold, cocky ass-kicker, or a smooth Don Juan, and I don't want to be like those guys either cause I think they're full of it. I'm sensitive, and I show my feelings. I get enthusiastic about stuff. I don't act like I'm too cool to care about anything and that nothing matters to me, that's always seemed fake and forced. But being real hasn't worked for me either so I'm at wit's end.
All I know is that I used to believe someone would like me just because, and that the right person would be someone I didn't need to impress. But that's never happened, and I don't believe that anymore. I think you have to impress a woman somehow for her to feel attraction, otherwise she thinks of you as a friend/loser, beneath her. I just don't believe how people try to candycoat it and say that there's no such thing as status games or leagues, because in my experience, those things are very real. I also don't believe that it's random because it seems to always be the same kind of guys who get to have relationships, and the same kind of guys who get stuck at friendship. It almost always plays out the same way so I think it's safe to say there's a pattern at work.
If I had to guess I'd say be as impressive as you can, and try to minimize your insecurities, fears, flaws etc. as much as possible - all the while looking like you're not doing anything on purpose. Timidity in guys is something that most women just don't have patience for. It is a ******* head game for sure. It's been hard for me because I've never felt powerful and I just can't pretend that I'm powerful and that I have all the answers when I don't feel like it. I guess we just have to find some kind of way. I don't know. It reminds me of math class, where I had no idea what the answer was or how to arrive at it. All I can say is that I'd love to beat it one day, to be able to hold my head up high and say I ******* broke this friend zone bull ****, I kicked its ass for good, sent it to hell where it will never have power over me again. But I just don't know if I can ever be strong enough, deep enough, or good enough.
I don't really have an answer to your question, I just sympathize with you and I hope you too can beat this someday and live the way you really want to.
Richard_39 said:
If I might answer, although I'll leave women to answer it first and foremost, I found that a LOT (more than you might know) are completely foreign and alien to the concept of "good" men. They don't have wise, intelligent, not crazy and insecure men in their lives who run around beating their chest and oozing testosterone. King of like the stereotipical "gay" friend you see in movies.
So when they find a guy that's like that, a lot of them want to keep that relationship and not spoil it with dating. Because they inherently know they won't find a lot of guys like that.
To a lot of us, it just looks like they like "jerks". Thing is, and I'm sorry gentlemen if it doesn't apply to you, but most men I've met in my life are jerks. Save a handful, I wouldn't trust them with making Kool Aid, much less treating a girl intelligently.
That's my theory anyway, from careful observation. It's not like I got anything better to do.
I feel like a lot of men are jerks too, because they think it's cool to be jerks, to make bad decisions on purpose, to be backwards, to make sure everyone sees them doing taboo things, to be as unpleasant as possible like it's the ultimate thing to aspire to, because it's all about showing the world that you're dominant. But the chest-beating testosterone freaks seem to do pretty well to me. Better than anyone else, by a long shot. They have a way of coming off as exciting, and I don't know how to do that without being one, I don't know how i can come off as more exciting than them. I don't know how i can be flashier, i don't know how i can shout over their noise. I never see a chest-beater fail and get forced to settle, much less wind up alone. It never ceases to both amaze me, and piss me off. It makes me so angry because I believe I'm better-looking, smarter, have better tastes, more stable, more trustworthy, more honest, and could maybe potentially be more interesting than these stupid sons of *******, and even if I don't have it all together at least I'm trying, which is more than I can say for them and their (self-)destructive ways that they do for bragging rights and/or because they have serious issues. That's probably the biggest thing, I don't see how a woman can respect a self-destructive guy. Like, how, why?!?! Or how I lose points for being unambitious, but other guys get a pass for the exact same behavior, even worse. I thought I was being more enlightened and mature by not being a chest beater, and I really believed in being that way, it was not just an act - but damn, I just don't know. I still don't, and can't, be a chest beater. But I guess to women, being insecure is even worse. I don't know what else even works, besides having yourself together insanely well, to a level that I don't even know is possible for me and if it is, it would take a very long time, so long that by the time i do it might not even matter anymore. And even if I did, I don't know that it would make any difference anyway.
I just wish I could find some other way to come across. I don't want to be another dirty, stupid, cliche rebel, but I sure as hell don't want to be the "gay" best friend either. No offense to anyone who is gay, but I am not, and that's not the impression I want to make. I want women to see that just because I'm not a rebellious knuckle-dragger, doesn't make me any less of a man. I'm still the real deal.