Questions for the Women

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Triple Bogey said:
why not ?
A bit of honesty.
I would never ever make a comment though. Or touch anybody. Nothing wrong with having a look though. I bet women do it as well.

I doubt you would feel the same if a gay dude stared at your ass when he thought your back was turned.

Do you even care how invaded and violated you might make someone feel by doing this? If it's not your body, respect other people boundaries and how you might make them feel.
HoodedMonk said:
Triple Bogey said:
why not ?
A bit of honesty.
I would never ever make a comment though. Or touch anybody. Nothing wrong with having a look though. I bet women do it as well.

I doubt you would feel the same if a gay dude stared at your ass when he thought your back was turned.

Do you even care how invaded and violated you might make someone feel by doing this? If it's not your body, respect other people boundaries and how you might make them feel.

Some people might be creeped out or be offended. But not everyone. Some people couldn't care less if anyone looks at any part of them. So don't speak for everyone. You don't need to be offended for anyone else, especially for a simple look that doesn't harm anyone.
Triple Bogey said:
Are you aware when men stare at your good bits ?
Yep, I'm cool with it.

Triple Bogey said:
Ladies 'behinds' though, you can't know men are looking at them ? Is it ever on your minds ?
Oh, yea - I still know and it doesn't bother me a bit. I find it flattering. Besides, I do the same thing to cute guys, so we're even. :)
I wouldn't have a clue if someone was staring at me,I am really oblivious to things like that. I have even been asked to go out for a drink as friends because the guy was too shy to say it was a date and I go along thinking they want to have a chat with a mate.
If I notice you staring, I'll call you out on it and most likely punch you in the face.
a woman with her tits hanging out - I wouldn't look, too embarrassing.
That's why a little look at a woman's backside doesn't do any harm.

MissGuided said:
Triple Bogey said:
Are you aware when men stare at your good bits ?
Yep, I'm cool with it.

Triple Bogey said:
Ladies 'behinds' though, you can't know men are looking at them ? Is it ever on your minds ?
Oh, yea - I still know and it doesn't bother me a bit. I find it flattering. Besides, I do the same thing to cute guys, so we're even. :)

good at least someone agrees with me and talks sense.

HoodedMonk said:
Triple Bogey said:
why not ?
A bit of honesty.
I would never ever make a comment though. Or touch anybody. Nothing wrong with having a look though. I bet women do it as well.

I doubt you would feel the same if a gay dude stared at your ass when he thought your back was turned.

Do you even care how invaded and violated you might make someone feel by doing this? If it's not your body, respect other people boundaries and how you might make them feel.

I'm talking about sly looks, little peeps not out right starring which I would never do. I wouldn't make anybody uncomfortable anyway. Women never know. They haven't got eyes in the back of their heads !

VanillaCreme said:
Triple Bogey said:
ladyforsaken said:
Triple Bogey said:
Are you aware when men stare at your good bits ?

Yes, I am pretty observant when it comes to people staring at me or any of my bits.

it actually gets me thru the work day sometimes when it's a long, boring day.

Ladies 'behinds' though, you can't know men are looking at them ? Is it ever on your minds ?

Staring at people's asses gets you through the day, huh? Just ladies, eh? Or are men actually included in that too?

No one really stares at me, not in a good way at least, so I don't mind or care. Just as long as they don't touch me.

No I don't look at men. Why would I ?
And you don't know how boring my job is sometimes !
And it was a joke.
HoodedMonk said:
I doubt you would feel the same if a gay dude stared at your ass when he thought your back was turned.

Do you even care how invaded and violated you might make someone feel by doing this? If it's not your body, respect other people boundaries and how you might make them feel.

So how far do you want to take that, any kind of looking out of attraction is a violation? Does this apply to women looking at men? I'm guessing, no.
ardour said:
HoodedMonk said:
I doubt you would feel the same if a gay dude stared at your ass when he thought your back was turned.

Do you even care how invaded and violated you might make someone feel by doing this? If it's not your body, respect other people boundaries and how you might make them feel.

So how far do you want to take that, any kind of looking out of attraction is a violation? Does this apply to women looking at men? I'm guessing, no.

Why she was complaining I have no idea ?
When you get some men touching women up, saying rude things and all sorts of other horrible things. A little look is nothing.
Triple Bogey said:
Are you aware when men stare at your good bits ?

That's hard to answer. If don't see them then how would I know whether I'm not aware of them or just not getting them?

When I notice looks, they're usually of other types, like revulsion or awkwardness or "Stay away from me". But when leering does happen, I don't like it. Personally I don't find it flattering, I find it uncomfortable and dehumanizing. It makes me feel icky. I don't look at men that way, either.

That's just me though.
ardour said:
I suspect what this is really about is unwelcome attention from the wrong 'suitor', not attention per se.

That probably depends on the person being stared at. Some people really don't like the attention they get from people. Or they feel as though they do nothing to warrant the attention, positively or negatively.
ardour said:
I suspect what this is really about is unwelcome attention from the wrong 'suitor', not attention per se.

Not for me. It doesn't matter who's staring, I don't like it either way.
Triple Bogey said:
Are you aware when men stare at your good bits ?

Depends. If I'm in an area which is not crowded, and I am not distracted by other things, then yes. I sometimes get the feeling of "eyes on me" and when I turn to look, I'd find a man staring.

I think if you're (referring to anyone in general) going to check someone out, at least do it without being creepy.
Veruca said:
Triple Bogey said:
Are you aware when men stare at your good bits ?

Depends. If I'm in an area which is not crowded, and I am not distracted by other things, then yes. I sometimes get the feeling of "eyes on me" and when I turn to look, I'd find a man staring.

I think if you're (referring to anyone in general) going to check someone out, at least do it without being creepy.

I've never known a woman turn round and glance at me. I would never stare in a creepy way. I would look away quickly.
When I'm feeling good about myself and I wear something less mom-like and more vixen-like, I notice both men and women look me up and down. In fact, I expect it - because that's what people do.
Once in awhile, I'll wear something attention-grabbing to get some attention, then I go back to my introverted, geeky, bookworm self. It's like the Olympics of attention for shy people. Just once every 4 years. :)

Women always notice what other women are wearing - "I love those shoes!" "Nice shirt, where did you get it?" "Cool manicure!"

People-watching is my all-time favorite pastime when I'm out and about and of course I notice how people are dressed.
Looking is one thing - but taking it a step further and touching or staring at someone's boobs is completely different. Hands-off, please.

SofiasMami said:
Women always notice what other women are wearing - "I love those shoes!" "Nice shirt, where did you get it?" "Cool manicure!"

Not always... I rarely notice. =/
Solivagant said:
SofiasMami said:
Women always notice what other women are wearing - "I love those shoes!" "Nice shirt, where did you get it?" "Cool manicure!"

Not always... I rarely notice. =/

Maybe I should say instead women always notice what other women are wearing when they are wearing something flashy :)
The uniform in my neck of the woods is baggy yoga pants, shapeless t-shirt and plastic flip-flops. :D


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