I got confused sorry. How do you mean you’re vulnerable? And I’m not sure that there’s anything wrong with being an idealist, apart from it perhaps wasting some one’s time and energy.
Oki, to be honest, i'm confused w your question too

. Maybe the problem is that i haven't expressed my thought well enough.
I mean that i'm vulnerable more than average in terms of emotional hurt and harm. Some of us react to emotional hurt in the "stronger" way, i.e., they don't allow it to go to deep, others of us react in the "weaker" way and let it go deep af. I intentionally put the quotation marks. Bc, how ur personality/reactions/needs are, is absolutely not 100% under ur own control. I have approved it to myself in practice and it is just a long topic to place it here, but, it is not under our control how things impact us. That is why it is so f****** important ppl to be good to each other. Bc u never know if u aren't being the last straw that breaks someone's spine.
And maybe it is not every kind of hurt/damage that is significant to a person, but still, to a respective person respective kind of damages (or areas of life) are significant and super-sensitive. I think, it happens so bc the design of the individual (before birth) interacts w the initial environment of the individual (after birth) in a way whicht forms the specific significant needs of the individual. That is why a specific area of life is not equally important to all individuals. Then, later on, if the person doesn't get some usable options to heal its initial damages/weaknesses, OR modify its significant needs (if we take that this is a thing to do), then, the possible super-vulnerabilities remain always active. I've pondered on the topic pretty much, and i'm not a psychologist professionally, but the area is interesting to me, so what i say is not a b*******, i daresay.
So, to me, the specific area are the love matters. I can bear much in life, i mean, much in terms of hardships, of any other kind, but when it is abt some story breaking my heart, i simply go down, and go down bad (in a bad way). That's how it is, in my case; and for quite long i was stupid enough to listen to the accusations that it is my fault to get so broken, bc i should not be SO SENSITIVE. it took me a while, to understand that it is wrong and arrogant to want from someone to be sth that he/she is not designed or even meant to be. They all enjoy my sensitive nature when it is about showing support or compassion to them, or advise them in some specific and MORE SENSITIVE way, but, when it is about to respect my way of interactionns w the environment and react to the environment, my sensitivity becomes a vice. Lol. I'm honestly SO TIRED of the double-dealing in this world, and to that, it is 2-dealing that the ones who do it DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO NOTICE that they do it.
I hope this answers u, Oki, although it doesn't go i detail.
As for the other question, ... it brings me to the double-dealing again. Bc, many ppl would pretend that they are "on the side of the right things" -- which, actually, idealism is about, in my opinion -- but then they will act in the completely opposite way, as if it is normal and REQUIRED to proceed like that, to be 2-faced. This drives me sad, but mad too. In this aspect, i DO feel myself wasted, sometimes, bc i gain no visible effect, just accusations and stubborness to be blind to one's own vices, but to strive to point such in the other person. Yet, i don't stop trying. I think it would be wrong to stop. giving up is not an option in some stuff, and, in our personal/individual lives we may give up to this or that, but when it is about things that are more than just personal, giving up is not an option, in my honest opinion.
I don't know if i have to apologize for such stuff or not, but i prefer to do it, just in case, against taking it as some type of disrespect:
It is not possible (due to emotional or other reasons) to me to respond w/o delay. If it happens to do it, it happens by accident. In no way the delay means disrespect to someone or lack of interest in his/her words.