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What are the things you need to see and experience to appreciate life. And by appreciate I mean really experience it. To live it to its fullest.

Emotions on all of the scale. All the way up, to all the way down. Bliss and tragedy. My mind is nt so strong anymore but some days I get this feeling, a real temptation to tickle the underbelly of reality. Are drugs bad? Sure they can be. But they are in the world therefore they are a part of it. They will do things, show you things that nothing else in the world can show you.

Are they negative things. The downward spiral into addiction and ruined lives, yes of course. But the psychic exploration, a contradictory sense of everything making sense yet everything being so far from explainable, is like a supervolcano erupting, galaxies colliding. Can we do anything to stop it? No. But is it awesome? Hell yeah.

When I say "open your eyes" I don't mean in the tinfoil hat sheeple way, but in the "don't be afraid, have a taste of what's on offer" way. There is so much going on around us that no one sees. You think you've seen beauty? You don't even know. Beauty in a person, or music, or animals - a mother cleaning her young. Have you ever just lay on your back and made sense (yet no sense) of the entire time and every thought that's ever been powered by the sun. There is SO MUCH here that people don't ever experience.

It's ******* beautiful.

When you take a shotgun to reality and blow a gaping hole in its face, seeing the people and all the trivial idiocies they do, it resets your expectations and suddenly the most beautiful thing in the world wont be the accumulation of your maturing taste of beaches or faces or drink or cheeses, but of a plank of wood or a rock. The bare essentials.

I miss it. I miss being strong enough to see it. It's probably not very practical, in terms of joining the rat race and climbing the corporate ladder, but it's the greatest thing you'll ever witness.

Those who know, know. Those who don't, maybe never will. You will never experience the greatest thing life has to offer us. Relationships? Love? Child birth? Family? Friendship? Success? Don't make me laugh. As great as they are, you just don't know what you're missing.
painter said:

What are the things you need to see and experience to appreciate life. And by appreciate I mean really experience it. To live it to its fullest.

Emotions on all of the scale. All the way up, to all the way down. Bliss and tragedy. My mind is nt so strong anymore but some days I get this feeling, a real temptation to tickle the underbelly of reality. Are drugs bad? Sure they can be. But they are in the world therefore they are a part of it. They will do things, show you things that nothing else in the world can show you.

Are they negative things. The downward spiral into addiction and ruined lives, yes of course. But the psychic exploration, a contradictory sense of everything making sense yet everything being so far from explainable, is like a supervolcano erupting, galaxies colliding. Can we do anything to stop it? No. But is it awesome? Hell yeah.

When I say "open your eyes" I don't mean in the tinfoil hat sheeple way, but in the "don't be afraid, have a taste of what's on offer" way. There is so much going on around us that no one sees. You think you've seen beauty? You don't even know. Beauty in a person, or music, or animals - a mother cleaning her young. Have you ever just lay on your back and made sense (yet no sense) of the entire time and every thought that's ever been powered by the sun. There is SO MUCH here that people don't ever experience.

It's ******* beautiful.

When you take a shotgun to reality and blow a gaping hole in its face, seeing the people and all the trivial idiocies they do, it resets your expectations and suddenly the most beautiful thing in the world wont be the accumulation of your maturing taste of beaches or faces or drink or cheeses, but of a plank of wood or a rock. The bare essentials.

I miss it. I miss being strong enough to see it. It's probably not very practical, in terms of joining the rat race and climbing the corporate ladder, but it's the greatest thing you'll ever witness.

Those who know, know. Those who don't, maybe never will. You will never experience the greatest thing life has to offer us. Relationships? Love? Child birth? Family? Friendship? Success? Don't make me laugh. As great as they are, you just don't know what you're missing.

Were you having an existential moment? If you haven't already you should read the 'The last Messiah' by Peter wessel Zapffe, I read his essay when I did philosophy in college and I think it's something that will interest you after reading your post!
I should mind my own business. Being observant makes you question one too many things at the time.
There is always a temptation to numb your feelings whenever things get uncomfortable.
It is much more beneficial - albeit far more difficult - to stay with that uncomfortable feeling, to feel it more deeply.
That... was tougher than a $1.50 steak at a strip club. Jesus tap dancing Christ, I thought she knew how to cook.
Nice quiet house again. I loved having them here and all the kids were happy, but silence (and regularly scheduled programming) is nice too.
Got a message today from a friend, wanting to set me up with her friend. She had tried to set me up with someone in the past but I shot that idea down and I don't want this person to think I am just mean to them and disregard their ideas, but without having my life together I don't think it's something I can consider. Also, I'm still in love with who I'm in love with. I don't ever want to give up on her, no one will ever be the same. I just couldn't meet this new girl, whoever she is, with any enthusiasm at all. So I let it go. Sigh........
TheSkaFish said:
Got a message today from a friend, wanting to set me up with her friend. She had tried to set me up with someone in the past but I shot that idea down and I don't want this person to think I am just mean to them and disregard their ideas, but without having my life together I don't think it's something I can consider. Also, I'm still in love with who I'm in love with. I don't ever want to give up on her, no one will ever be the same. I just couldn't meet this new girl, whoever she is, with any enthusiasm at all. So I let it go. Sigh........

Ah man, just go out with her. You don't have to make any kind of commitment. Just hang out. You could make a new friend or something. Or just have fun for a night.

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