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Sometimes fortune is nothing but observing other people's misery from a distance and being glad that you're not them.

On the contrary, misery can be nothing but observing other people's fortune from a distance and being envious that you're not them.
Ska, just wondering, have you attempted or considered a temp agency? If you can get it to work for you, it might be a beneficial "in the mean time" thing while you're figuring things out. A variety of short-term jobs might help you hone in on what you'd like to be doing while making some money, getting some experience, and possibly even landing a job you enjoy. And since they'll be temp jobs, you might feel less like you're stuck working in a place you hate.
Could you think of anything else to scream out? I mean, if you're going to literally sound like an unintelligent, ignorant, mindless old battle-axe, the very least you could do was expand your expressive vocabulary to go beyond "shut" and "up" and please, if you're going to call him stupid, perhaps you should look at your own untrained monkey.

On a much lighter note... A cheesy rice bake sounds good, yeah?
Solivagant said:
Ska, just wondering, have you attempted or considered a temp agency? If you can get it to work for you, it might be a beneficial "in the mean time" thing while you're figuring things out. A variety of short-term jobs might help you hone in on what you'd like to be doing while making some money, getting some experience, and possibly even landing a job you enjoy. And since they'll be temp jobs, you might feel less like you're stuck working in a place you hate.

I have tried a temp agency in the past. It wasn't very good, but on the one hand, I suppose that was because I didn't have my degree yet and the recession was a lot worse. Also my age, I was a lot younger then and perhaps employers thought I wasn't yet up for anything serious.

For the most part I do have things figured out - I just have to go back to business even though I don't like it because it's the only thing I'm even remotely qualified for, and the only way I can even hope to make enough money to one day retrain. That's the problem with college, it makes you a one-trick pony. There really isn't anything else I can do right now, I just don't have the skill.

As far as what I WOULD like to do...I don't know. I guess I'd like to find something that gives me both the opportunity for intellectual/creative stimulation, to do something that is worthwhile and matters and somewhat enjoyable at least, and also has the opportunity to advance financially. It's hard to find the place where all of those things meet. It's also finding something that isn't just doing the same repetitive tasks over and over. Most jobs are really just some kind of assembly line. It's hard to find anything that is actually fascinating and makes me a more interesting person for doing it.
I was wondering about temp agencies. Thing is, here, I know literally no one and no area. And as with 99% of the jobs I've applied for, they tell me that I don't have enough experience. A gas station/food stop told me that. I'm like, ya kiddin' me? It's too ******* easy to run one of these. The manager tried though, but the people above him said I just didn't have enough. No experience - no job. No job - no experience.
VanillaCreme said:
I was wondering about temp agencies. Thing is, here, I know literally no one and no area. And as with 99% of the jobs I've applied for, they tell me that I don't have enough experience. A gas station/food stop told me that. I'm like, ya kiddin' me? It's too ******* easy to run one of these. The manager tried though, but the people above him said I just didn't have enough. No experience - no job. No job - no experience.

^ Yep, I've been having the same problem.
VanillaCreme said:
No experience - no job. No job - no experience.

Now here is something we agree on. This truly is the Catch-22 from hell. I've pondered this for years and I still don't know how a person is expected to solve that conundrum. If you can't get the job without experience, how can you get any experience in the first place? Where does it come from? I still don't know.

My only guess is to somehow relate your past experience in your cover letter to try and fudge things to say, you've done something LIKE the job in the past. I don't know. To me that seems like bs'ing your way into a job. I've never been a good salesperson / liar. Once again, I'm just not good at being underhanded.
TheSkaFish said:
My only guess is to somehow relate your past experience in your cover letter to try and fudge things to say, you've done something LIKE the job in the past. I don't know. To me that seems like bs'ing your way into a job. I've never been a good salesperson / liar. Once again, I'm just not good at being underhanded.

Train yourself to do what every good business person does. Emphasis the good aspects, while slyly kicking the bucket of badness aside. Keep that smile on your face so they won't even know anything's wrong.
Its a very unfortunate equation

Lie through your teeth = potentially get the job or get caught lying and dont get the job
Dont lie = dont get the job

Opition one has a chance, Option two has no chance

Sad freaking realities make me unhappy every damn day
On the other side of the coin in regards to temp agencies, my ex ended up having a pretty good career with a major oil/gas company after taking a 'menial' position to get her foot in the door- she was pulling in a six figure salary within a couple of years, had insane benefits, and was well taken care of there. Bitch all you want about corporate being boring and temping leading nowhere, I've witnessed otherwise. If she doesn't go back to the same company if/when she returns to the city she's likely gonna return to the temp agency.

Attitude is EVERYTHING, if you take a ****** one with you because you're too good for something you're not going anywhere. If I got laid off tomorrow where I'm at I'd find something elsewhere and wouldn't give a **** about it being exactly what I wanted, at least I'd be working until something better came along.

This **** about mediocre/dead-end jobs or just being one of the sheep is complete ********! That kind of whining only comes from useless tits who think they're better than everyone else- earn your place and stop making excuses, it makes you look pathetic!
VanillaCreme said:
I was wondering about temp agencies. Thing is, here, I know literally no one and no area. And as with 99% of the jobs I've applied for, they tell me that I don't have enough experience. A gas station/food stop told me that. I'm like, ya kiddin' me? It's too ******* easy to run one of these. The manager tried though, but the people above him said I just didn't have enough. No experience - no job. No job - no experience.
Might have to lie a bit. Don't really know what kind of previous experience a gas station is looking for though o_O. Sounds kind of odd. If you have a car, places with delivery drivers seem to always be hiring.
So glad I looked through. Totally worth it.

kamya said:
Might have to lie a bit. Don't really know what kind of previous experience a gas station is looking for though o_O. Sounds kind of odd. If you have a car, places with delivery drivers seem to always be hiring.

I don't have a car. I don't have my license either, so that gas-guzzling Camaro proved to work against me.
WildernessWildChild said:
On the other side of the coin in regards to temp agencies, my ex ended up having a pretty good career with a major oil/gas company after taking a 'menial' position to get her foot in the door- she was pulling in a six figure salary within a couple of years, had insane benefits, and was well taken care of there. Bitch all you want about corporate being boring and temping leading nowhere, I've witnessed otherwise. If she doesn't go back to the same company if/when she returns to the city she's likely gonna return to the temp agency.

I can't help but feel that your ex's situation was the exception, not the rule. Most menial jobs never transfer to six-figure salaries because there's no overlap in skills. Anything you learn in the menial job isn't a transferable or relevant skill to the six-figure job. Most six-figure jobs require some kind of expertise, license, or some kind of advanced background because these are usually the people who are making the strategies, not just doing the functions over and over.

WildernessWildChild said:
Attitude is EVERYTHING, if you take a ****** one with you because you're too good for something you're not going anywhere. If I got laid off tomorrow where I'm at I'd find something elsewhere and wouldn't give a **** about it being exactly what I wanted, at least I'd be working until something better came along.

WildernessWildChild said:
This **** about mediocre/dead-end jobs or just being one of the sheep is complete ********! That kind of whining only comes from useless tits who think they're better than everyone else- earn your place and stop making excuses, it makes you look pathetic!

OK then. But why do most people never make it, in spite of having a positive attitude? A lot of people are more positive than me about work, and yet, they're still failing. They'll never get to enjoy anything truly nice, and even if they do, it probably won't be for very long before they either can't truly afford it, or because they are in their twilight years and are just out of time. Money is the measure of success in the job world, and in spite of their attitude, they don't have it. If attitude is everything, then why aren't they succeeding?

Why does it seem like so many people are stuck at the bottom, if the world is indeed overflowing with opportunities?
What you consider failing, may just be another person's winning.
What you consider trash, may just be another person's treasure.
VanillaCreme said:
I don't have a car. I don't have my license either, so that gas-guzzling Camaro proved to work against me.

Whoa. So I take it that it's a friend's or family member's Camaro then? What kind?

I'm a bit of a car fan, especially the pony cars.

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