think I can't keep this up for long.
Adolescence sucks.
I've just had the biggest mood swing of my whole f*cking life. I'm going to kill someone, I swear. I'll dig out all the rusty razor blades and go rippety-rip stab stab at anyone that gets in my way. Yup, I'm one hell of a crazy b*tch tonight. Don't f*cking mess with me. But I don't mean that. I'm sorry. Really, I've been a nuisance recently. With my embarrassing posts. Saying all sorts of embarrassing things about myself. I hope you all don't hate me for it, though even I probably would if I were you. I don't blame you. I'm sorry. I think I'm lucky to have avoided that pit of depression I fell in this time last year. I mean, I'm not depressed. I'm a teenager, but I'm not a depressed one. Not by any standards. Seriously, what teenage girl doesn't think about suicide now and then? We all do, don't lie. And I don't mean consider it, we just think about it, as a concept. An idea. Not a future.
I'm sorry qui, I hope you feel better. And I agree For this whole last year i have been so sick of adolence, sure it' seems a little fun at first. But it just gets old 7 years is way too long to be in this shape, it's just the same thing over and over again. Wooh i'm drunk off red bull and not making any sense, I'm snorting pixie stix. haha not funny after the 105th time.
Whats that you love me too and were going to be friends forever? Like I haven't already heard that from 20 random freshmen, oh yes the freshmen say they'll call may be they actually will this time. Oh you were busy thats okay. Blindfolds freshmen and lines them up to the edge of the grand canyon
This is a little trust excersice,
Removes blindfold and pushes freshmen off the ledge
see your death *push* ahhhhhh
and continues down the line
see your death
see your death
keith, don't worry we're cool
no, see your death
but I looked up to youuuuu
no one looks up to me
maybe I watch too much tv, is it too much to want a turk and jd, or a will and grace friendship, one that will be compared to married couples, tehe, is that weird.
so for almost a decade we hang out, and for almost a decade I'm careful as to watch how i say and how i act with i am with everyone. One day i slip, or one day someone starts a rumor about something i did, and I never hear from them again.
I'm sorry i kinda ranted a little too, everyone has muttered to them selves, i wish i was dead on a bad day, we may not mean it, it may just be an expression but it's there.
I hope you feel better qui, being a hormonal female sucks and i have very hormonal genes in my dna, i always try to supress it, but one day i said **** it
My problem is I'm really insecure, and I've about maybe 8 friends in my entire life, so i get very emtinally attached to those friends i do have,which probably isn't a very good idea, i also have a problem with moving on
nevermore I'm glad your pets okay,
ohh cake