Ska, I will say, i'm very saddened to hear about your computer being moved to a rather public area and I am even more saddened by your passiveness.
I'm not much of an optimist myself but I am always so hurt to see people close to giving up.
TheSkaFish said:
I should have had a job years ago, I should have tried to get good at things years ago. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just complaining a lot and not doing enough. But it comes back to that feeling I described, the feeling of even if I did try harder, it wouldn't do any good because of a insufficient natural ability, or fundamental incompetence.
Yes, you should've, but you didn't. Try to focus on what you should do today.
Maybe, maybe you aren't doing enough Ska.
You'll never know until you try, and even if you fail, atleast you tried. Try harder, ignore that feeling, it won't do you any good.
Are you talking about insufficient natural ability, no natural talent? I'm not going to entertain this one, you know why.
TheSkaFish said:
I've always HATED, with a passion, the idea that I need to just accept that I'm a loser. But I've never felt like I had it in me to be a winner, either. And I feel like there is all kinds of evidence of this all over the place. All the jobs I've had, for instance, have been completely dull and paid terribly. I couldn't help but feel this was evidence of my loserdom. If I was able to make it, I'd say, I'd be doing something else. Also the fact that we have always been kinda hurting financially. It's hard to feel optimistic when all you ever hear is people complaining about the bills all the time. It feels like getting out from under this is just insurmountable.
The only reason why you've accepted this is because you've made up your mind that you are infact a loser. You are who you say you are Ska, what you say is really what is going to happen- for the reason that everytime you try to do something new, you do it with the mindset of "I won't suceed", you already have the outcome in your mind, you don't do it with a 100% positive mentality.
You can't change where you come from, that is you family's financial condition, but you can change where you're going. That was their journey, it's time you create yours.
Don't give pessimism a chance, you need to keep your head high, all the time, and on that one day that you're exhausted in all ways possible, allow yourself to be, the next day, get back on your feet.
A negative mind bears a negative outcome, remember this.
Another thing to remember: "If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got".
TheSkaFish said:
I wish I knew where I fit in. I think back to high school and some of the people who were around me. There was one guy who always knew he wanted to be a lawyer, another who always knew he wanted to be in business, and another who always knew he wanted to be a naval aviator. Life was just a simple matter of following tried-and-true paths for them. But my way was clear as mud.
You didn't know what you wanted to do and they did, that's not a train smash. Figure it out now, like I always say, it's never too late.
TheSkaFish said:
And it doesn't help that I had a terrible shouting match with my mother this morning. I feel bad for it. I don't like getting my parents stressed out and I worry about my dog because he is always here in the house during our arguments and he doesn't understand, I'm afraid that I am just getting everyone stressed out and ruining their health and my own, though I don't worry about myself as much because I feel that I am more able to bounce back. I feel like even if I got a job today, there is nothing I can do to make right years of arguments like this. Like my family relationships are permanently ruined.
Don't beat yourself up about that, i'm sure and hopeful that they understand, and if they don't, I hope one day they'll see that you are just as stressed out as they are.
I think you're too passive around, i'm only assuming. Maybe you could try being optomistic even when things aren't going well. I tell people this all the time, when you tell yourself that you're good enough, that you still can better your life, that you're creative, that you're talented, you're prosperous, yoy're able to do whatever you put your mind to, then you certainly will. Or, atleast, even when things don't go as you say, you will be slightly a bit at peace, knowing that you're trying your atmost best and hoping for the best possible outcome.
TheSkaFish said:
I just wish I could do the last 10 years of my life over again.
How about you make the next 10 years of your life the best ever?
I know you can, Ska. I know you will. Who knows how close your breakthrough is? Don't give up, you'd hurt more if you did. I wish you nothing but the atmost best. You will survive this, you'll be rewarded for such endurance, don't be discouraged for too long.
I'll give you a challange that i've given myself,
From today, or maybe tomorrow, give yourself only one day to cry, complain, regret, be sad about something, and do that as much as you can on that one day BUT, don't ever cry, complain or be sad about it UNTIL you've done sonething about it.
I did say it was a challange! All the best.
Be kind to yourself and take care.