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Being as thin as I want to be is like impossible Claudia, my lower belly just sticks out I am gonna get lipo because im barely eating and it’s just not budging, it’s maddening.
I would avoid the lipo if I were you, IMO.
You could end up with one of those weird looking stomachs with a bulge, then an inward line, then another bulge. Similar to those "butt stomachs" that women who get c-sections sometimes end up with.

I have lost 1.5 inches on my waistline in the last month.
How did I do it?
I stopped buying alcohol to keep in my apartment.
I have anew rule that I only drink when out (which s not that much), and it has had great effects.
Sleeping at least 6 to 7 hours (used to be 3 or 4 at most).
Exercising more.
Eating healthier with better portion control.
No more drunken midnight snacks.

I would go with natural methods to shrink waistline.
Question. Do you sleep at least 7 hours a day?
I think that is big for belly fat reduction.
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I would avoid the lipo if I were you, IMO.
You could end up with one of those weird looking stomachs with a bulge, then an inward line, then another bulge. Similar to those "but stomachs" that women who get c-sections sometimes end up with.

I have lost 1.5 inches on my waistline in the last month.
How did I do it?
I stopped buying alcohol to keep in my apartment.
I have anew rule that I only drink when out (which s not that much), and it has had great effects.
Sleeping at least 6 to 7 hours (used to be 3 or 4 at most).
Exercising more.
Eating healthier with better portion control.
No more drunken midnight snacks.

I would go with natural methods to shrink waistline.
Question. Do you sleep at least 7 hours a day?
I think that is big for belly fat reduction.
Literally my biggest fear is to be botched I’ve had so much work done that I feel like im pushing my luck lol

And I dont drink, barely eat and the issue is I dont sleep 🙃

I’ve lost so much weight, but my fella adores skinny not slender that I pull off with ease, he said he likes either or but all his exs are thinner than me and I am not going to stand for that 😅
A village full of bored ,frustrated women looking for a wee bit of glamour and a cheap thrill. I promised my little girl I'd behave and keep my head down. So I spent the afternoon at the duck pond feeding I don't know wtf, weird fuzzy little chicken looking things, it's a shame I'm an excellent cheap thrill.
That guy came over again.

I thought I'd be kind, and give him a listening ear since I figured we all need one.

Turned out it messed up my whole night. Next time I'm sticking to my guns.

I've tried to distance myself from this guy, because we don't value the same things, and I don't want my life to go in the same direction as his life. I can only hope that I'm not doomed to go in that direction no matter what I do.
I honestly feel like I’m from another world. I feel like a stranger here. An invisible stranger for the most part. There are moments I sense a calling from somewhere beyond telling me it’s okay and I can return home now, wherever that may be.

Not sure exactly what you're dealing with, but it sounds rough to say the least.
Keep on keeping on, man (y) and reach out for support here if you need it.
my belly is 90% gone after i went nutritarian diet of making a large [no lettuce] veggie salad my main meal of the day, in addition to giving up all white foods [white rice, white corn, white potatoes, pasta, gravies, cakes, anything starchy]. the tastiest food is not as enjoyable as good health.
All these social programms for people under 36yo... making me mad, like a reminder "don't forget, you are beyond the life, you are not welcome here anymore"...
now that i'm in the winter of my years, i hope i have successfully expiated all my bad karma from the previous lifetime, not to think of this one.
All these social programms for people under 36yo... making me mad, like a reminder "don't forget, you are beyond the life, you are not welcome here anymore"...

I've been feeling that intensely this past month, too.

I just turned 37, and I hope it's not too late for me to turn my life around and actually LIVE instead of languish.
I've been feeling that intensely this past month, too.

I just turned 37, and I hope it's not too late for me to turn my life around and actually LIVE instead of languish.
I hope you can do it. Good luck.
I wish I could tell you smth inspiring... I still have some hope, but less and less, all I can think of now is jumpig in a despair and pulling out my grey hair. I'm afraid that now my life is only going to be worse and worse.
I feel like my character went all wrong, may I have a new one please? Or at least load the game on a few previous levels.
I hope you can do it. Good luck.
I wish I could tell you smth inspiring... I still have some hope, but less and less, all I can think of now is jumpig in a despair and pulling out my grey hair. I'm afraid that now my life is only going to be worse and worse.
I feel like my character went all wrong, may I have a new one please? Or at least load the game on a few previous levels.

Thanks, I hope you can too.
I feel about the same. Trying to keep some hope alive, thinking maybe I just haven't tried hard enough, haven't gone all-in.

But yeah, I relate a lot. Feeling like my life is going to be worse and worse, that my character went all wrong, and I want a new one, or go back to an old save.

I feel like it was when I first started learning pencil and paper RPGs - I messed up my character build, because I didn't understand the rules of the game. Now I have a botched character that isn't set up for anything.

Hopefully we can get out of this yet.
i didn't even find out what i was supposed to be doing until the winter of my life. even now i'm shaky on that. the latest of late bloomers here.
one does not have to be "good at anything." that is just ableism in action that so many of us are in its thrall.
one does not have to be "good at anything." that is just ableism in action that so many of us are in its thrall.

It might not be the answer for everyone, that everyone needs, wants, cares about, or is looking for.
And that's OK if it's not.

But it is the answer for me. It's always been my missing piece.
And not having it, has made my life go from bad to worse.
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When I lived in India the cow always had right of way if she stopped we all stopped. So this morning I'm driving down the country lane that leads to the village, it's about ten feet wide with grass verges and hedges either side, and there's a cow sat smack bang in the middle of the lane. I stopped got out of the car did a few stretches and caught up with some emails while I waited for the cow to move.

20 minutes later I'm admiring the view, Glastonbury Tor is in the distance with the sun rising behind it, it's breathtakingly beautiful. A car comes tearing down the lane, going in the opposite direction, see's the cow and comes to a screeching stop. The driver, a thirtysomething in an ill fitting suit, jumps out and starts shouting at the cow to move. The cow ignores him and decides she'd rather munch the grass on the verge. This annoys the driver and he starts swearing at the top of his voice while trying to lift the cow to her feet.

Having failed to shift the cow by physical and verbal force he turns to me and shouts "don't just f*ck*ing stand there! help me!". My reply "it's just a cow man, she'll move when she's ready" tips him over the edge and he screams, the cow gives him a look of bemusement and bewilderment, she's had enough of this, gets to her feet and wanders off down the lane waving her tail. The driver, now a bright red sweating dishevelled mess, throws some choice expletives my way gets back in his car and the whole big ball of fury and rage tears off towards the motorway.

I finish taking in the view, help my self to a few blackberries off the hedge and head for the village for coffee and croissants.