*hugs cheaptrick and oliphila07*
*high fives freedom* dude system ******* rocks, even with their ridiculous looking hair.
and I really need to get some kind of income to support my recent comic book addiction, yes I could pirate all my comic books like I usually do, but that would mean waiting a few days after they just came out to download them
but point being
man I wish my mother wasn't such a broke ass bitch
she's all like ohh I don't have any money to give you, you're dad is suppose to be giving you money
and of course my dad says, I pay for your college your mom is suppose to be helping you with spending money,..
mainly I just wish I had admantium claws,
all my finical worries would be solved then
and dude sean your signiture pic
******* awesome!!
dude!! adorable little carnivorous bunnies