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I don't know i didn't look through all of them, there was one in ames, then wash and kennedy,
I'm hoping I fkin do well this next week....(finals week....yay.........*sigh*) at least there is something to look forward too only 2 weeks left.....but having to run a gauntlet of classes doesnt look appealing.
woot. aced my first final.
it was my guitar final, so yeah, I basically expected to ace it.
But I did.
The day went well enough, oh so I think, though I wonder if it really went well enough.
im thinking..i cant believe he said "it might be interesting ...lol"

oh maaaan...ur something else
Ok, whatever you say.
I'm going to go eat pizza, then I'm off to prom.
See you all later.
I am thinking about how glad I am the wait is finally over, but worried about what happens next.
I'm thinking, hella gay prom was hella bomb!
screw the real prom, I'm totally hitting up the gay one!
lol, it was hella fun. though, in case anyone's wondering, I'm not actually gay.
I went with Fulgrim.
you all have prom and then a gay prom too? seems a little discriminatory to me o well...

I'm thinking I'm glad I got back from New York with everyone alright but it was a shame I didn't get to see any of New York o well maybe I'll come back some time, but never live there I'm a wide open spaces kinda guy
i'm thinking that was the most lame ass grad party i've ever been to

the one before that was cool, they had a slushie machine
NeverMore said:
you all have prom and then a gay prom too? seems a little discriminatory to me o well...

The school has one prom. Straight couples get a discount but gay couples have to each pay the individual ticket price, so it's about 20 bucks more expensive per couple. That's messed up, if you ask me. But I don't go to school dances. They're too sleazy.
However, the teen center downtown had a "Hella Gay Prom" where gay couples were encouraged to get dressed up and get their funk on. I'm straight, but I do like a good time so I went to the gay prom, which was equally enviting to all people regardless of sexuality, as long as they're under 21 of course. So it was hella bomb. I have never in my life seen so many drag queens in one place, and I used to live in San Francisco :p But basically, it was a very warm and inviting place without any of that crap music, freak dancing, or other sleazy behavior that is rampant at highschool proms. Another cool thing, I didn't have to buy an expensive dress or rent a limo or anything, I took two city buses and wore jeans and a nirvana tshirt.

The long and short of it is that the highschool prom is indeed quite discriminatory, but the hella gay prom is not. And they're put on by much different establishments.
Qui said:
NeverMore said:
you all have prom and then a gay prom too? seems a little discriminatory to me o well...

The school has one prom. Straight couples get a discount but gay couples have to each pay the individual ticket price, so it's about 20 bucks more expensive per couple. That's messed up, if you ask me. But I don't go to school dances. They're too sleazy.
However, the teen center downtown had a "Hella Gay Prom" where gay couples were encouraged to get dressed up and get their funk on. I'm straight, but I do like a good time so I went to the gay prom, which was equally enviting to all people regardless of sexuality, as long as they're under 21 of course. So it was hella bomb. I have never in my life seen so many drag queens in one place, and I used to live in San Francisco :p But basically, it was a very warm and inviting place without any of that crap music, freak dancing, or other sleazy behavior that is rampant at highschool proms. Another cool thing, I didn't have to buy an expensive dress or rent a limo or anything, I took two city buses and wore jeans and a nirvana tshirt.

The long and short of it is that the highschool prom is indeed quite discriminatory, but the hella gay prom is not. And they're put on by much different establishments.

lmao hella gay prom sounds hella awesome:D

I'm thinking I've been playing way too much mega man x games lately.....sigh I want an x box 360, but the money I don't have
I think that I want more pink lemonaide, but it's too far to walk to go get it from the kitchen.
I be lazy.

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