What are you thinking right now?

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It seemed like a good idea at the time.

im thinking this reminds me of mistakes...that i made :(

sounds like Fodderboy is having lots of fun...what ur on?
Incognita said:
It seemed like a good idea at the time.

im thinking this reminds me of mistakes...that i made :(

sounds like Fodderboy is having lots of fun...what ur on?

What ur on? Sorry, lol... I'm not sure I understand
I just realized, i don't have a 6th hour anymore, and were not doing anything in our 7th hour, that makes me feel at ease knowing i pretty much have afternoons off

and I'm pissed that i lost my wallet it like just vanished, agghhh i had my drivers liscence in it. So i can't drive until i find it. hopefully it will show up, i'll plan on calling the dmv just incase, i hope it doesn't take a whole lot to get a new drivers liscence
Fodderboy said:
Incognita said:
It seemed like a good idea at the time.

im thinking this reminds me of mistakes...that i made :(

sounds like Fodderboy is having lots of fun...what ur on?

What ur on? Sorry, lol... I'm not sure I understand


im thinking my mind is totally blank..
I am thinking that I really need to get an apartment closer to where I work in order to avoid the soul crushing and time (and gas) consuming traffic everyday as well as to finally move out of my parent's house.

Thing is, I am also thinking about how lonely I'll be once I move out.
I'm thinking about some people I met on another site and if I'd hit it off with them "in real life".......
I am sooooo tired

Though I am not totally thinking this right now, I feel it worth mentioning because it is on my mind a lot. I often think of this girl I like and hate myself somewhat for doing so because I know I don't have a chance with her (she's told me so), and because I guess she's really not worth feeling this way over. Yet I still want her. Sigh

Edited for grammar.
im thinking lol i got in the wrong cab...the other cabdriver was prolly reaaally piiiiised lol
I've only been on the job three days and I'm already tired of it. Also, city traffic sucks and there's no way I can avoid it (at least for another week or so).
these people are so ******* boring!!! then why do i want to be friends with them again, even though they were so boring and lazy as fresia that all we did was sit around and watch someone play videogames for hours on end while i played with matches to entertain myself, why was it a problem to her if i played with matches, well then have more entertaining parties God. I never had any other friends.
i really shouldn't do this, I've never gone up to some and said we need to talk, and say all the things i needed to say. It would be better if i just left it as it is. But I'm angry and compulsive i need to know why!? And i really don't have anything else to do.

if i come back in tears please don't say i told you so
Right now I am thinking....is this all there is? Every day just sitting and waiting for something to happen? I put in applications for jobs, I try to talk to people, I watch tv and fix dinner and clean house. What's left? I can't force anyone to hire me or talk to me or be my friend or to be here for me when I need moral support and someone to hold me and hug me. I think, if I'm positive about things. Maybe if I keep a good attitude about my life. If I just try harder then it will all be ok in time. That's what I'm thinking lol
I'm thinking how nice it is to be back at my place. Visited my parents today. It's exhausting when you can't relax and be yourself...

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