What are you thinking right now?

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i hate feeling lonely

I can't believe I've just about made it through the year,

that was the longest ******* winter of my life, if everything goes well and i keep my grades up at least i can say i made it

i really hope all these years of lonely desolation will make me a really cool badass...I'm going to need a leather jacket and some hooker boots
I'm thinking there should be a gameshow like Hollywood Squares, only with kids. Gary Coleman should host.

If anyone can remember what movie that came from you get a gold star.

BTW, If this is one of those "serious answers only" threads, I apologize. I'm having a rough time taking anything seriously lately.
lol I don't think there is a thread on the hole forum that's serious only. There is one thing about us lot here. we do most of the time try and make humer out off the problems we have. Tis good :)
I am thinking 'Gee I was perfectly happy until my son just walked in the door and started giving me the third degree about money and stupid high school talk about why women think they should be first (even tho the bible answers that question)'. Only one more year to go before I get peace and quiet and a home to myself :).
I think that I ought to stop procrastinating.
And warcraft is bad. BAD!
So... I should write my essay instead, right?
yep, thats what i have to do i have 3 more pages to go, then i have to work on my presentation it's due on thursday, i procrastinate too
I'm going to New York City tomorrow for 4 days, to watch my brother graduate then were going to do a whole lot of tourist stuff I guess. I'm riding a train up which I'm excited about cause I've never ridden in a train before. But I'm nervous about how many people will be everywhere there, afraid I might have a panic attack or something, and everything will be so confusing, and I'll be walking around with my mom and my 90 year old grandmother


But I'll have a good time too,lol somewhere in there I'll have a good time. And I just tried to use my digital camera only to find out it's broken, what are the odds of that? I'll take pictures on a disposable camera then tell the developers to put them on a disc, apparently they can do that...

Bye everybody see you in 4 days or so
ooh i just found out that R.E.M.'s Out of time album was realsed march 11th 1991 the day i was born.

and i'm so pyched i passed stats class, i never have to take a highschool math class again yippie. I was so happy on our last test over the video presentations i got the highest score :D I'm pretty sure thats the first time that's happened to me in that class.

other than that i;m feeling pretty bummed out and lazy, I shouldn't have eaten that frozen pizza i feel so gross, i can't wait till i can get some friends and i can do something other than eat to pass the time and cheer up
anyways it's about 11 o clock i should be getting to sleep, i don't want to over sleep again.

i've got about 5 pages/ 1000 words done so far on my essay

peace out everybody

Hm. I'm halfway through my essay analyzing Chuck Palahniuk's writing style. I've got some killer quotes for it, think I'll go hit up the quotes thread while I'm still procrastinating. I should prolly stop procrastinating, actually, since it's 1:30 in the morning and I'm only half done. lol.
Hijacc said:
Skorian said:
I am thinking. Thats sad and sick. I can't believe we are allowing the blending of military and police forces. People trained to kill dealing with civilians is a nightmare.


What the hell is wrong with people?

I don't know. Why did anyone vote for the patriot act I or II? Will people allow the 3rd act through? How stupid are we? Makes me wonder if anyone knows about these... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&...=&as_occt=any&cr=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&safe=images

Do we really want to strip peoples rights? If people are so dangerous. Then who is going to protect us from police forces that violate their own rules? This already happens all the time. That is why we left Europe. I can't believe people let them merge the intelligence agencies. What a nightmare.

One of my younger brothers worked for a church mission down in California for his Major for a few months and saw first hand some shocking things police were doing to people. Funny how it doesn't usually make the news...
wow that thing about those tanks are crazy, why would a police force need that kind of equiment?! if there was ever a major crisis that the police couldn't handle, isn't that what the national gurad is for?

Oh no i stole a candy bar, AHHH no there's a giant tank coming after me what the hell.

about the whole concentration camp thing, i really didn't get, but it sounded like they are making a whole bunch of high securty prisons but no one really no one really know's why,

thats chilling

I'm also thinking i love denial and I just wish i was better at it.
I think I like this song.
But I should really be working on my homework.
I've got my first final tomorrow.

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