What are you thinking right now?

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I'm thinking I finally get to go home tomorrow:)

But I'm more worried about getting up at 7 am to take a zoology final I only studied for like an hour...

Then all the moving is what gets me really worried, I'm always afraid I'll drop my computer and break it all to pieces or I'll have a heart attack trying to carry all my stuff down 6 flights of stairs and most people get their friends and family members to help them but nope it's just me doing all of it it takes me hours I hate it so much...:(

Can't wait till I'm back home and everything is safely there it'll be such a relief..
today was a pretty good day, i had snickers bar for breakfast. :D

The waether is great

I'm currently passing stats at a D- if i passs the final and the worksheet we turn in Monday, then I'll be finished with highschool math forever!
Gotta hang on i want to pass sooo bad

other than that i have 3 As and 2 Bs


only about 3 more weeks

and today in my last period the guy who was supose to do his presentation couldn't find his power point so we just got to hang out and chat for the whole hour it was fun, my 7th hour class has only about 15 people in it and a ton of kids were gone so their were like 5 of us in total
just anywhere, I've been feeling lonely this evening

i never really thought i was really all that different from everyone else, except for different tastes in music or that stuff.

I never really thought i was socially awkward or invisible, but for some unknown reason i just am. I never thought i acted differnt from other people,. Not even the kinda different people at school really ever care about me.

My whole life i've only had one friend that i would hang out with outside of school. I guess I've been in the delusion that i was at least fairly socially normal and at least had some friends.

sorry, thanks for listening to me run off a little
evanescencefan91 said:
just anywhere, I've been feeling lonely this evening

i never really thought i was really all that different from everyone else, except for different tastes in music or that stuff.

I never really thought i was socially awkward or invisible, but for some unknown reason i just am. I never thought i acted differnt from other people,. Not even the kinda different people at school really ever care about me.

My whole life i've only had one friend that i would hang out with outside of school. I guess I've been in the delusion that i was at least fairly socially normal and at least had some friends.

sorry, thanks for listening to me run off a little


That is some rough stuff to be thinking about :(
I'm thinking that cops are the dumbest ...they were born with no brains...firefighters rule
Incognita said:
I'm thinking that cops are the dumbest ...they were born with no brains...firefighters rule

Totally. Cops are stupid. But I've got a friend that's a junior firefighter or whatever they're called and he's real cool.

Anyway, happy birthday.
Hope it was nice :]
*birthday hugs*
I should lose some weight.
Or at least gain some muscle.
And my hair is gross. So I'm going to go wash it.
Bleah, today was a bad day to ever get out of bed.
well that did nothing again

God **** vague people they should be shot

I'm sick of feeling like a fool trying to do the right thing why the hell do people even talk to me in the first place
i'm also thinking i might have a mild caffine addiction and that was a massive bloody nose i just had a few minutes ago

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