What are you thinking right now?

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evanescencefan91 said:
i'm also thinking i might have a mild caffine addiction and that was a massive bloody nose i just had a few minutes ago

lol I used to know this guy that was addicted to caffeine and he gave it up after seeing how much he needed to feel anything, like 3 shots of espresso.. and he hasn't drank any since

Qui said:
I think...
I don't feel safe here anymore.
This used to be a place where I could go and say how I feel without facing any consequences for it.
But now, I say one thing and I regret it.
Oh, I sure do end up regretting it.
But I don't know what else to do.
I don't have anywhere else to run away to.
And running away's the only thing I know how to do.

But that's just impossible when running faster only means I hit that brick wall of consequence harder.

What do I do?
I only want -- ----.
But I can't say it. Because I know I'll end up eating those words if I do.

What now? How can I live when running away won't work?

I don't feel safe here anymore.

Why don't you feel safe here?

I don't think were that scary but just remember were here for you
ya that sucks i'm sorry Qui

but ya, my allergies get pretty bad this time of year and i'm constanly blowing my nose, and so it sometimes causes really bad bloody noses, once i was in class, and as i was running up to the teachers desk to get a handfull of klenexses i had my hand covering my nose, but it left a trail of blood drips on the floor
Yeah, I used to get a bloody nose every now and then too (though fortunately not recently). Heh, it's hard to look smooth with a bloody nose.
Qui said:
I think...
I don't feel safe here anymore.
This used to be a place where I could go and say how I feel without facing any consequences for it.
But now, I say one thing and I regret it.
Oh, I sure do end up regretting it.
But I don't know what else to do.
I don't have anywhere else to run away to.
And running away's the only thing I know how to do.

But that's just impossible when running faster only means I hit that brick wall of consequence harder.

What do I do?
I only want -- ----.
But I can't say it. Because I know I'll end up eating those words if I do.

What now? How can I live when running away won't work?

I don't feel safe here anymore.

:( Qui, You are always welcome to PM me if you have a problem somewhere.
im thinking that he is so stubborn... and i hate it ...and im so pissed right now that if i were there i would have slamed the door in his face lol
I think I'm going to turn off my brain for a while.
Then I'll go work on my calculus project.
Yipee for brainless fun.
ah screw this I'll do my homework tommorow before class,

I'm watching 90s tv shows on youtube and getting nostalgic

My butt hurts from sitting in this stupid chair.
F*ck this, I'm going to bed.
evanescencefan91 said:
ah screw this I'll do my homework tommorow before class,


lol i used to do this all the time...and its still a habit ...bad one
I think I'm dumb.
Or maybe just happy.
Think I'm just happy.

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