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My attempt to find an easier way to deliver children, has turned into me planning a summer vacation. Didn't think I'd reach this point so soon.
I guess I knew the whole "getting so old that you despise today's music" was inevitable, but to literally see language change in a way I don't even understand what they're saying anymore - that's trippy.
I can't be the only one totally weirded out by how people nowadays are referring to their pets as their "sons" and "daughters" 😳
It's the single most stupid trend I've seen humanity undergo in a while, and that's saying something.
“No good deed goes unpunished” is so true. Why do I always wear the cost of helping people out, making other people’s lives better, doing them a favour? One is forced into being selfish if one wants to live as one wishes.
I can't be the only one totally weirded out by how people nowadays are referring to their pets as their "sons" and "daughters" 😳
It's the single most stupid trend I've seen humanity undergo in a while, and that's saying something.
Agree! I recently saw a socal media post where the person referred to their cat as their ‘son’ - I thought it was extremely odd. . . and kinda icky.
Agree! I recently saw a socal media post where the person referred to their cat as their ‘son’ - I thought it was extremely odd. . . and kinda icky.
It's extremely icky!! I don't get it at all. I get visuals of women giving birth to dogs 🤣 What the heck, humanity?!
“No good deed goes unpunished” is so true. Why do I always wear the cost of helping people out, making other people’s lives better, doing them a favour? One is forced into being selfish if one wants to live as one wishes.
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Your post in the kudos thread? That didn’t belong there. I challenged it myself if you recall, because it went against the ethos of the thread.

By all means you can call out the behaviour you mention above, but at the same time, the person you were replying to didn’t need calling out.
We all love a bit of recognition, but let’s not get carried away with handing out kudos like it’s going out of fashion. While it’s grand to give people their flowers, there’s a risk of turning it into a bit of a circus. When we constantly bang on about someone’s achievements, it can lead to a culture of showboating, where people do things just to get a pat on the back. Not to mention, it leaves the unsung heroes, the grafters in the background, out in the cold. Let’s not let applause become the be-all and end-all, eh?

Missionary work may seem all fine and dandy, but it’s a bit of a double-edged sword, innit? Historically, it’s been the cause of no end of bother, steamrolling over local cultures and leaving a legacy of cultural amnesia. Some missionaries come in like they’re the bee’s knees, pushing their beliefs without so much as a thought for the existing way of life. And let’s face it, sometimes it’s more about ticking boxes for their own agenda than actually solving the real issues on the ground. Instead of empowering communities to stand on their own two feet, it often ends up fostering a sort of unhealthy dependency. Not exactly a win-win, is it?
I’ve noticed some troubling trends here that I feel compelled to address. It seems that freedom of speech and expression is being steadily eroded. Changes are made without any explanation, and posts are being deleted arbitrarily without any communication to those affected.

What’s even more concerning is the community’s response, or lack thereof. Many seem to turn a blind eye to these issues, yet there’s frequent complaining about the forum being quiet and new members not sticking around.

Is it really surprising that newcomers leave when they’re met with such a stifling atmosphere? How can we grow and thrive as a community if we don’t foster open dialogue and hold the platform accountable for its actions?

For me, this isn’t the kind of environment I want to be part of, so I won’t be staying. But I hope this post sparks some reflection and perhaps meaningful change for those who remain. All the best.
@okidoke "Kudos and thanks to Abstanmyous, Butterfly2, CenotaphGirl, Dan27, Finished, Hazed, Okidoke, Rvansun, Sunflowergirl1306, and TheRealCallie for liking many of my posts. In an environment often antagonistic to any Christian perspective, such encouragement is appreciated. May God bless you."

The post comes across as negative because it frames the community as "antagonistic to any Christian perspective," which generalizes and implicitly criticizes others who may not share or support the author’s views. This creates an "us versus them" dynamic and may alienate people who don’t agree with the author's perspective. While it thanks specific individuals, it risks excluding or making others feel less valued for not engaging in the same way. The tone, though framed as gratitude, Is judgmental, passive-aggressive, and unfairly critical, which might not encourage open dialogue or inclusivity.
...... but let’s not get carried away with handing out kudos like it’s going out of fashion.
Settle petal. It's a specific thread for kudos, and nobody is doing that. Sheesh. Maybe you feel like you're missing out?

The post comes across as negative because it frames the community as "antagonistic to any Christian perspective,"
I'm an atheist and I don't see it that way. You obviously have a narrow minded viewpoint.
Settle petal. It's a specific thread for kudos, and nobody is doing that. Sheesh. Maybe you feel like you're missing out?

I'm an atheist and I don't see it that way. You obviously have a narrow minded viewpoint.
Right, I get it, but it’s not about missing out. I just think we should be mindful of how things are worded, especially when it can be read in different ways. And as for the narrow-minded comment, that’s a bit unfair. I’m just pointing out how the post might come across to others, not attacking anyone's beliefs. Let’s keep it civil and respect different perspectives.
Right, I get it, but it’s not about missing out. I just think we should be mindful of how things are worded, especially when it can be read in different ways. And as for the narrow-minded comment, that’s a bit unfair. I’m just pointing out how the post might come across to others, not attacking anyone's beliefs. Let’s keep it civil and respect different perspectives.
Again, it was a kudos thread and nobody else had any issue with it. Your deleted response to it could have been posted elsewhere, and wasn't appropriate for the thread. I don't think I was being unfair by saying your viewpoint was narrow minded because you obviously failed to see SirJoseph's post for what it was and made an inference based on your beliefs. Calling your viewpoint narrow minded wasn't uncivil at all and the way I supported SirJoseph absolutely shows that I respect different perspectives, whereas I don't uphold people blatantly going against the ethos of a thread just to disparage the opinion of other's beliefs, especially when no apology was given. You bang on about freedom of speech and yet you can't afford the same to someone else.

Now, let's move on.
Again, it was a kudos thread and nobody else had any issue with it. Your deleted response to it could have been posted elsewhere, and wasn't appropriate for the thread. I don't think I was being unfair by saying your viewpoint was narrow minded because you obviously failed to see SirJoseph's post for what it was and made an inference based on your beliefs. Calling your viewpoint narrow minded wasn't uncivil at all and the way I supported SirJoseph absolutely shows that I respect different perspectives, whereas I don't uphold people blatantly going against the ethos of a thread just to disparage the opinion of other's beliefs, especially when no apology was given. You bang on about freedom of speech and yet you can't afford the same to someone else.

Now, let's move on.
Look, I’ve had a read of your post, and there are a few things that don’t sit right with me. First off, calling my viewpoint "narrow-minded" isn’t exactly the most civil way of putting it, is it? You might not agree with me, but there’s a way to do it without coming across like you’re having a go. It’s not like I "failed to see" SirJoseph’s post, I just had a different take on it. We’re allowed to have different opinions.

And as for saying I "obviously failed to see it for what it was", come off it. That’s a bit rich. You can’t assume I’m wrong just because I’ve got a different angle. You’re not always right, and I’m not always wrong. That’s what a debate’s all about, hearing each other out and respecting each other’s views.

I know you’re keen to defend SirJoseph and the ethos of the thread, but just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean I’m trying to mess up the thread. I’m here for a proper discussion, not to drag things down. It’d be a bit more productive if we focused on the issue at hand, instead of getting bogged down in who’s supporting who.

Then there’s this bit about freedom of speech, you’re going on about it, but it feels a bit hypocritical when you say I can’t afford the same freedom to someone else. If we’re all about free speech, then let’s give each other the space to speak our minds, yeah? You can’t have it both ways.

Lastly, the whole "let’s move on" bit feels like you’re trying to avoid the issue rather than deal with it properly. You can’t just brush things aside and pretend it’s all sorted with a quick "move on". The problem’s still there, and if we’re going to move forward, it’s only right we clear the air first. Otherwise, it’s just going to hang around, unresolved, and we’ll be stuck in this same place.

So yeah, just a bit of advice, maybe think about the tone next time. I’m all for having a bit of a laugh and a good debate, but there’s no need to take it to that level.
I remember reading that post, and it didn't really make me feel one thing or another.

I was not on his list of shout-outs, but I wasn't offended. It didn't bother me.

I think it's OK for the people that are religious to be religious, but at the same time, they should keep in mind that there are a lot of people here, or on other sites, that don't share those views, because they think life is a cosmic accident (that they lost), or they think there is a higher being, but feel cursed by them, resulting in their misfortune.

A lot of people are down on their luck here, and are (in my opinion, understandably) not in a very grateful mood.
Hence, their criticism of religion.
With me, I don't like the way religion has been used over the years as a justification by those in power, of NOT improving conditions on Earth - "oh don't worry that me and my friends have all the money and luxury, you'll get yours in Heaven!" I've always thought that was a little too convenient for me.

I also don't like how religion is used to invalidate people that have problems.
I've seen it in different places around the net, where someone will say that they're struggling with something, usually attraction (which greatly affects your quality of life) and someone will essentially tell them to stop worrying about it, and turn to religion instead.

Not being able to attract a partner is a very valid, human issue.
Just trying to cover it up - with religion, alcohol, a career, TV/movies/video games, even exercise - doesn't work, and shouldn't be used to essentially tell someone to stop complaining, as if those can fill the emptiness instead. They don't.

Personally I wish I could take comfort in believing in some kind of afterlife to look forward to, but it's something I really struggle with.
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Again, it was a kudos thread and nobody else had any issue with it. Your deleted response to it could have been posted elsewhere, and wasn't appropriate for the thread. I don't think I was being unfair by saying your viewpoint was narrow minded because you obviously failed to see SirJoseph's post for what it was and made an inference based on your beliefs. Calling your viewpoint narrow minded wasn't uncivil at all and the way I supported SirJoseph absolutely shows that I respect different perspectives, whereas I don't uphold people blatantly going against the ethos of a thread just to disparage the opinion of other's beliefs, especially when no apology was given. You bang on about freedom of speech and yet you can't afford the same to someone else.

Now, let's move on.
You’ve mentioned that "nobody else had any issue" with SirJoseph’s post." Well, that’s not what I’ve been hearing. Plenty of people have told me they felt the same way I do about it, but either they didn’t want to get involved or just couldn’t be bothered to say anything.

I’d start a thread to talk about it, but let’s be real, it’d probably just get locked or deleted faster than you can blink. But I’d still like to know where you got your information from, because I’m hearing a different story.

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