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Rodent said:
Harsh words nonetheless.

I thought the E-word was more about not taking every pleasantry for granted. Personally I don't regard human rights and decency as a mere pleasantry. But whenever people are exposed to friendly gestures, grace and indulgence of others they tend to see these merits as natural and abuse them eventually. And complain about it on top.

I should be clear - this post is in reaction to a Psychology Today article that I was going to read but when I saw the title, I could not read it.

I guess the first thing to ask would be to say, what is an essential and what is a pleasantry? Some people would list quite a few things as essential. Others would list everything, including life itself, as a pleasantry. There are more people who think that way than we would imagine.

Rodent said:
On the other hand, the one that promotes the survival of the fittest should have his position of strength well covered. Otherwise he might end up a victim of his own teachings...

For the record, I don't promote survival of the fittest. I would be on the side of more things being essentials. There are far less essentials than pleasantries of course, but I still believe that these are essential nonetheless. However a lot of people would view those, such as a home or kindness and honesty, as a pleasantry.

It just aggravates me that we have this contradiction between how we are supposed to be such a polite, considerate, i-love-everyone society, but at the same time if someone is hurting and wants or needs a break, there is a considerable number of people that will tell you to shut up and stop being entitled. They are smug and condescending and I think it would be nice to see them get burned for a change. They remind me of people who go to church every Sunday, but in actuality are as far from Christian as you can get. I would just like some honesty. Either we are an "I-love-everyone, yaaaay!" society, or let's just be real, take the kid gloves off, and do some anarchy. Whichever we pick let's be honest about it so we're all playing the same game.

I also hate how it is applied to my generation. The article was something dealing with "...the Age of Entitlement". That is ********. What this age is, is a time when a lot of information on how to make it in life, from professional, personal, or anything else, has been proven to be outdated and no longer valid, or just wrong from the get-go. The misinformation was either intentional or unintentional, but it's wrong nonetheless and doesn't solve the problems at hand. So for someone to be angry or even confused by that is not them "acting entitled". We're walking on a bridge as per directions that were given to us, but while we walked, someone dynamited the bridge. Whether that was done on purpose or not is unclear. Yes all one can do is solve their own problems. But don't anyone dare call us entitled. That's what I'm talking about.
I´m think I´m a *!,/! and ('%!** for not putting enough effort into reading the stories of other people in here (posts), considering they read mine. It just feels like I´m too tired for it. I´m feeling I´m not giving enough, considering what I get.
Mr.YellowCat said:
I´m think I´m a *!,/! and ('%!** for not putting enough effort into reading the stories of other people in here (posts), considering they read mine. It just feels like I´m too tired for it. I´m feeling I´m not giving enough, considering what I get.

:) I often feel the same
Peaches said:
Mr.YellowCat said:
I´m think I´m a *!,/! and ('%!** for not putting enough effort into reading the stories of other people in here (posts), considering they read mine. It just feels like I´m too tired for it. I´m feeling I´m not giving enough, considering what I get.

:) I often feel the same

...as do I. I very rarely post on anything outside of the games forum these days and I feel like I get more support than I offer others.
VanillaCreme said:
It says on the tub that it's mostly vegetable oil. Perhaps it's great for some uses, but not for what I intended it to be. Instead of melting, it kind of... well, the best way I can explain it is, it kind of baked up and dried out a bit. It had the tiniest puddle of something that had similarities to butter.

I know I'll just have to get a tub of what I'm used to using. Because I really don't want to be rude or uppity about such a thing. They usually do get what's cheapest. Still, I felt like :club: someone.

Yeah, for the one I was talking about, it was mostly made of palm oil. So .. meh. Not what I'd be looking for if I wanted butter.. and I totally know what you mean with the melting part. I've seen it for myself too. And yes - I'm with you on the clubbing!

kamya said:
One word. Kerrygold!

Don't think I have that brand around here. But I suppose it's good - since you are awesome at cooking. :O

Edward W said:
VanillaCreme said:
Thanks for making me feel like I'm not alone. I'm usually the one cooking the most now. It feels like I am alone in presenting quality food in this house.

I do hereby offer my services as sampler of your wares and can offer many appreciative messages and noises of enjoyment as I devour your offerings! :p

You are welcome!

Eddy... you are taking any and every chance you get to just munch people's food away. :p
TheSkaFish said:
Then again you shouldn't be angry if it comes to blows. What, did you think you were entitled to NOT being attacked? Do you think you are entitled to your teeth? Do you think you are entitled to decency? There are no guarantees in this world, sweetheart! If you aren't strong enough to prevent it or defend against it, or smart enough to foresee it, IT'S YOUR FAULT, MORON.

I really hope you don't mean that Ska. :( I knew a sadist who thought like that. It is everyone's right not to have their person violated.
Solivagant said:
TheSkaFish said:
Then again you shouldn't be angry if it comes to blows. What, did you think you were entitled to NOT being attacked? Do you think you are entitled to your teeth? Do you think you are entitled to decency? There are no guarantees in this world, sweetheart! If you aren't strong enough to prevent it or defend against it, or smart enough to foresee it, IT'S YOUR FAULT, MORON.

I really hope you don't mean that Ska. :( I knew a sadist who thought like that. It is everyone's right not to have their person violated.

I hope he doesn't mean that too, it's not a good way of looking at things.

I was just a kid the first time I was shot at, maybe around 10. I was 13 or 14 the first time I knocked someone's teeth out. I wasn't much older the first time I sat by an acquaintance's hospital bed and watched helplessly while he slowly died from a knife wound. I spent much of my youth around violent men, saw too much of it. No good ever came from it. I only ever resorted to violence when someone I cared for was in danger and there was no other way to help, and even then it sometimes made things worse. It should always be a last resort.

Those who praise or condone violent acts are almost always naïve people who have never had to witness it, or they're violent and sadistic themselves.

I agree with Solivagant: Everyone has a right to not be violated
Solivagant said:
TheSkaFish said:
Then again you shouldn't be angry if it comes to blows. What, did you think you were entitled to NOT being attacked? Do you think you are entitled to your teeth? Do you think you are entitled to decency? There are no guarantees in this world, sweetheart! If you aren't strong enough to prevent it or defend against it, or smart enough to foresee it, IT'S YOUR FAULT, MORON.

I really hope you don't mean that Ska. :( I knew a sadist who thought like that. It is everyone's right not to have their person violated.

I agree with you on this, Solivagant. I don't even want to say anymore on this, because it is just what it is.
ladyforsaken said:
Edward W said:
VanillaCreme said:
Thanks for making me feel like I'm not alone. I'm usually the one cooking the most now. It feels like I am alone in presenting quality food in this house.

I do hereby offer my services as sampler of your wares and can offer many appreciative messages and noises of enjoyment as I devour your offerings! :p

You are welcome!

Eddy... you are taking any and every chance you get to just munch people's food away. :p

Oh, he's welcome to come munch away. I'd most likely get a better reception. And any reaction is better than nothing at all.
I wish i could be the person i used to be, to be able to sit and chat with people without feeling so anxious and then feeling like everyone hates me even when they don't.
I am a bit nervous and haven't done something like this before. But I hope that this will help me.
VanillaCreme said:
ladyforsaken said:
Edward W said:
VanillaCreme said:
Thanks for making me feel like I'm not alone. I'm usually the one cooking the most now. It feels like I am alone in presenting quality food in this house.

I do hereby offer my services as sampler of your wares and can offer many appreciative messages and noises of enjoyment as I devour your offerings! :p

You are welcome!

Eddy... you are taking any and every chance you get to just munch people's food away. :p

Oh, he's welcome to come munch away. I'd most likely get a better reception. And any reaction is better than nothing at all.

Oooh then I'd tag along :D

Dexter said:
I am a bit nervous and haven't done something like this before. But I hope that this will help me.

Whatever that is, I hope it goes well for you - good luck.
I am picking a friend up from the airport for a weeks holiday here with e.

Looking forward to the company very much.
jaguarundi said:
I am picking a friend up from the airport for a weeks holiday here with e.

Looking forward to the company very much.

That sounds nice, have fun! =]

Haven't seen you around here much lately, hope you're doing okay.
jaguarundi said:
I am picking a friend up from the airport for a weeks holiday here with e.

Looking forward to the company very much.

E for Edward? I'm invited!!

- "No - she means me, Eddy Jr!"
Are you seriously not going to stop them from talking like that to each other? They're brothers, but you wouldn't think it with what they say. Brothers of Egypt and the Hebrews more like it. I'm pretty sure even they got along better than what you allow these two boys.
I'm still too lucky for my own good. Lost my ATM card on the train 4 days ago and didn't notice it until today.

Upside: Somebody actually dropped it off at the train station's lost property office.
Downside: One hour ago I was at this very station, but didn't check in at the office because I thought I didn't have enough time...

...sigh, I would've had more than enough time.

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