dain it...Skorian
All you have to do is ask...who the fucken was holding the god damn camera when the lunar capsule
was taking off from the fucken moon ????
There a fucken astronuaut running around on the fucken moon with a god damn carmera
for the past 40 odd years making foot prints in the sand playing fucken hop skoch
Sadly, people can lie. Sure it is evidence, but it is far from full proof.
Ask the right questions man...
You know how fucken hot it is at the equator or summer time on earth ???
Well...****...when the moon rotates to where it's closer to the sun...shouldn't those damn astronants vaporized or fucken melt ???
Um, I don't recall how all that works. Space is supposed to be pretty cold. The moon has no atmosphere so I think it is cold, even in sunlight. Planets that have atmosphere I think it can end up being scorching. But I don't really know, could have this wrong.
Mother fuckers weren't dancing around in pitch darkness...ya know what I'm saying.
I don't know how much hotter it is on the moon when the sunlight hits it..a couple hunred degrees to thousands
degrees higher than what's on the earth...
I am sure it is a little warmer, but most, probably nearly all, reflects off right into space.
And shouldn't that samething happens when the moon is furthest from the sun and when the astronants
are on the darkside of the moon...shouldn't they freeze to fucken death..
Heat sort of works like sound. Did you know there is no sound in a vacuum? Sound ceases to exist. I think sound and other energy waves can travel through it, but do not exist in it or leave a mark. There is sorta nothing for it to stick to. Gases are the only reason you can hear. Or something like this.
Their white suits would repel most light and as long as the heat can't escape it wouldn't go anywhere. Since there is nothing to absorb the heat or transmit the cold. So the only way the suit would heat up inside would be through the presence of outside gases. The same with cold. I suppose a black suit might be fatal though as it would heat up the gases inside the suit by absorbing the suns energy.
I mean..I don't see a kick ass refrigeration equipments on their suits...A/C or heater...lmao
They do have both. I am sure of that. I don't think it would require much on the moon.
Even if they did have sometype of a/c units on the suits...that mother fucken suit still has to get super
cold or supper hot....
have you ever felt the water coming out of a garden hose when it's expose to sunlight all day.
the water is fucken super fucken hot man...
What I'm saying is...even the oxegen tanks would still be effected by the temperature and the
oxegen in the tank too.
And hoses are a dark color, sitting against the earth, contained within rubber so the heat can't as easily escape, and surrounded by our gaseous atmosphere.
All things created my man are subject to heat or lack of heat.
Shouldn't the rocket or capsule expand or contract ?
They are designed to compensate for it. Research the stealth bombers and SR71 blackbird for example. The heat caused by the friction they generate from traveling through the air makes them expand and contract. If we can put a sub under water, then we can put a sub in space. Did you know you have hundreds of pounds of pressure pushing on you right now? That weight changes according to weather patterns. We are also spinning through space at insane speeds.
what happens when things expends and contract...?? They don't fit nice and tight anymore. Things fall apart.
Wouldn't the face shield on the astronant's suit expand ? Maybe a leak here and there ?

The glass on the helmet has to be made out of some super duper fucken glass for it to with stand
extreem temperature but yet thin enough for it to be fitted on a helmet
I am not sure it is glass.
Pour hot coffee into a wine glass and see...lmao
Huh? See what?
The moon dosn't have an atmophere or a magnitic field to protect it....so how in the ****
was all of the electronic equipments working properly ?
All objects of any mass have a magnetic field equivalent to their mass. Even atoms have a magnetic field. The moons field may not be the same as ours, but you need to understand that gravity/magnetic field is sorta the same thing. Atoms have gravity, but it is VERY VERY small. And our atmosphere both reflects heat and keeps it in. If the earth can exist in space, then so too can smaller bodies. We may never be able to land on some planets though. As far as working properly, electronics tend to love the cold.