**** man...if monsato didn't do what they did...
Today there woud be no kick ass golf course reserve only for rich people to play.
why...a ****** up yard is a sin..man.
We all don't live in mysuria..
Without kick ass golf course ,,there would be no kick ass bussiness deals.
Without kick ass bussiness deals ..there would be no youBtubeit or the kick ass PC you're typing on
You can't just dip it and ship it...
You have to paste(no lead **** today), stuff it, put it in an oven, wash it with kick ass chemicals then wrap it around in special plaasssticit. Stamp it with specail ink. Box it in speacial foam..with kick ass paints on the box
**** man...do you know how much chemicals have to used to generate electricity ?
You can't turn on the freaken switch and Poooffff...there's fucken electricity.
Don't ask me how I know this...(maybe I worked at one probably

Errr...Me stick it the fucken radiation warning sign on wherever the **** is required...then me stay the **** away

I hate suiting up to go into the radiation department.lmao
it's catch 22 man...you want...you want it .you want it.
They make it...they make it and make it.
Corporations take productions off shores or to country outside of the USA becuase of too much regulations.
At the sametime regulations must be enforced...becuase there's a lot of chemicals that's no good for your kitty cat.

**** man..I was handling adbastos like it was playdo for a couple if years

My ex-gf father died from adbastos crap in his lungs.
Adbastos is kick ass **** man..the replacement products weren't worth a **** when they first came out.
I even worked at a sugar producing plant for a while. You'll be amazed of how much chemicals it reuired
to run that plant and the waste that comes out of it.
Yeah man..the freaken pink bag of sugar you see on the store shelf...I worked for one of those fucken plant.
Just not in your back yard...lmao
There's none of that pie in the sky...they just make that...
Who the **** is they ???...It's us.