Jedi Guardian
Ska, you really tire me out. Not the length of your posts, the content of them. I’ve not read anyone else on here that creates as many hurdles for themselves as you. Your assumptions that everyone else seems to just know how to “life” Is ridiculous. If you used the same amount of energy and talent you use to compile your expressive posts to get somewhere in your daily life, I think you’d be onto something positive. Dude, I really think you’ve got it in you, you just have to refocus your energy. Do a “summer of George” and do the opposite of what you’d normally do every day. 2024 could be so different for you if you let it.
I'm sorry if my posts have a negative effect on you.
It really has always felt, like other people seem to naturally get how to "life" and I don't, though.
I've always felt this, from kindergarten to present day.
Other people seemed to be dialed in to something I was oblivious to, not connected to.
They seemed to have strengths, traits, interests and instincts that I lacked, that made life easier for them.
I really have always felt like I was missing something inherent, that a lot of other people seem to take for granted.
I don't know if it is biological, or the result of my background, or what.
I've defaulted to complaining, being angry and in despair, out of feeling powerless, ineffectual, and unlucky, pretty much since kindergarten. It's almost become like a "high", like a source of relief. I just felt like I didn't have "it", the thing others have that lets them coast through life like a hot knife through butter. Or so it looked to me. People around me didn't seem like they had to put any conscious effort into their lives, what they think, say, or do. It always seemed like they just "were", and I just "wasn't".
I always got pissed off about being blamed for having difficulties in life, the same way I got pissed off for being blamed for not being "cool"/"popular" - I felt like I was being blamed for something that wasn't a choice, but was just the way I was naturally. Not saying I feel like you're doing this, by the way.
I mean, I'm getting more self-aware of these patterns, the more I look back.
And I do sometimes wonder what would happen if I refocused my energy like you said.
I don't know, I never tried it. I always assumed I was a lost cause, because if I wasn't, I'd be more like the people that seemed to naturally know how to "life".
But thank you for the vote of confidence in me. Most times that is more than I've given myself.
I was tempted to give you a
I hope 2024 will be my year too.
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