What's a painful truth you've had to swallow?

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a strategy that not everyone can fulfil
what you will NEVER have again.
My goodness this post was filled with hate. Anyway, Just wanted to say that if you did once, you can again. And also that everyone CAN fulfill it. Everyone can, some just aren't ready to see that they can yet, maybe some never will, but it's not a can/can't situation. I used to be there. I used to be extremely angry and fulling blaming everyone else for my problems because a man caused them all. I didn't do anything wrong at all. I eventually got over that and fixed myself. I have other issues not related to him, so I don't love myself, but I'm okay with who I am now.

no you don't have autism, you are implying someone else has it. it is not something to be made fun of by the way, it is your way probably to insult someone you dont like on here. truth be told? so you tell them they are autistic, its an insult right?
Autistic isn't an insult, it's a blanket statement that everyone throws out for anyone who does something slightly "off" from "normal." Because people don't want to realize how difficult it can be to diagnose Autism because of how many traits mimic a lot of other mental illnesses. It's a lazy way of telling someone they should either self diagnose or go get a real diagnosis. Obviously it will make some people angry, but it is not an insult. And there's nothing "wrong" with autistic people. High functioning autistic people are just as capable as anyone else. And I'd wager everyone has at least one trait that could align with autism because there are so damn many.

ETA: The subject of autism gets me riled up, so I naturally forgot to reply to your last one. lol
Dating sites. A man totally not interested in me, decided he would play with me for a while. Finding out i had nothing to benefit him, he found love in a close member of my family. He likes to boast about it pretending i don't know. I have subsequently lost a very important person in my life due to a mans decision making with what he has between his legs. hows that for pain?

Sorry, but how do you know he did this on purpose? You can't help who you fall in love with and quite honestly, the entire point of dating and dating sites is to determine whether or not you are interested in someone or not. Sometimes people aren't. Sometimes it takes a while to figure that out.
You can't possibly know his motives or intentions. The only person's motives and intentions you (or anyone else) can know is your own. Unless you can read people's minds.....can you? If you can, that would be pretty damn cool.
Autistic isn't an insult,
It may not be an insult, but many people DO intend it as an insult.
"Don't mind him, he's on the spectrum".
Internet jerks say stuff like that all the time, when they disagree with someone and cannot intelligently refute their point.
It especially comes up in political discussions and male/female relationship discussions.
It may not be an insult, but many people DO intend it as an insult.
"Don't mind him, he's on the spectrum".
Internet jerks say stuff like that all the time, when they disagree with someone and cannot intelligently refute their point.
It especially comes up in political discussions and male/female relationship discussions.
Which is what I don't understand, because many people "on the spectrum" are extremely intelligent in many areas, so they are likely to now more about the topic than other people because they can be quite OCD about knowing everything there is to know about it.
There are also still a lot of ignorant people out there who can't be bothered to actually understand something as complex as autism. Though, I will admit that it's very hard to understand it if you don't have it, especially considering it's different for everyone.
I've had to swallow the truth that I'm not as young as I used to be. My body requires more maintenance to keep the pains away. I suffered a major knee injury a few years back and it took me a LONG time to get to a semblance of what I once was. It was a tough pill to swallow that I don't recover like I used to.
Sometimes I've wondered if I have autism or something like that, myself.
I've also had difficulties fitting in, all my life.

I don't know if it's autism though.
I think it's more to do with feeling like I don't have enough talent to pursue anything with the serious intent to become successful at it, leaving me lost in life and unconfident, and disengaged because I feel there's no point, it's not going to work for me anyway.

And also, I lack the typical macho risk-taking dominant personality and killer instincts, or the traits and background necessary to act on it even if I had it.
I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that you have autism without being diagnosed first. A lot of the symptoms we attribute to ADHD, autism, or lack of confidence could all be symptoms of adverse childhood experiences. Your childhood helps to determine who you will be but also how you process information, stimulus, and how your body reacts to discomfort.

For me I have issues with trusting people, especially other men. Where I grew up kids were constantly fighting. There was a great aura of waiting to see who was going to get into a fight next. The instinct I had to learn to control early in my life was to not assume other men were being disrespectful of me and thus intending to fight with me.

As for talent... forget about talent. Everyone is talented at something more than other people. Everyone has something. Most people never utilize it. The trick is having the determination and self-motivation to make yourself do the things that are sometimes uncomfortable so you can be something that you aren't. I'd rather be determined than talented every day of the week.

Dating sites. A man totally not interested in me, decided he would play with me for a while. Finding out i had nothing to benefit him, he found love in a close member of my family. He likes to boast about it pretending i don't know. I have subsequently lost a very important person in my life due to a mans decision making with what he has between his legs. hows that for pain?
I know it hurts bad but I hope you can try to look at it like this- you got off easy. That man could have stayed with you for a decade while playing with your heart, only to leave you in emotional ruin later. Dating sites are mostly filled with people looking for short term relationships. You'll hear stories from people claiming they know someone that found love on one- hell I have a friend that did just that. I consider those to be the exception to the rule. Dating sites CAN be good or they can bring you happiness. I consider it like trying to pet a random dog you ran into on the street- maybe you'll get some affection, or maybe that sucker is going to give you a good bitin'.

'Autist' is the new 'incel' type slur.
I usually get called much worse things to be fair. Buuut I bring it on myself.

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