Princess Pink Love
a strategy that not everyone can fulfil
My goodness this post was filled with hate. Anyway, Just wanted to say that if you did once, you can again. And also that everyone CAN fulfill it. Everyone can, some just aren't ready to see that they can yet, maybe some never will, but it's not a can/can't situation. I used to be there. I used to be extremely angry and fulling blaming everyone else for my problems because a man caused them all. I didn't do anything wrong at all. I eventually got over that and fixed myself. I have other issues not related to him, so I don't love myself, but I'm okay with who I am now.what you will NEVER have again.
Autistic isn't an insult, it's a blanket statement that everyone throws out for anyone who does something slightly "off" from "normal." Because people don't want to realize how difficult it can be to diagnose Autism because of how many traits mimic a lot of other mental illnesses. It's a lazy way of telling someone they should either self diagnose or go get a real diagnosis. Obviously it will make some people angry, but it is not an insult. And there's nothing "wrong" with autistic people. High functioning autistic people are just as capable as anyone else. And I'd wager everyone has at least one trait that could align with autism because there are so damn you don't have autism, you are implying someone else has it. it is not something to be made fun of by the way, it is your way probably to insult someone you dont like on here. truth be told? so you tell them they are autistic, its an insult right?
ETA: The subject of autism gets me riled up, so I naturally forgot to reply to your last one. lol
Dating sites. A man totally not interested in me, decided he would play with me for a while. Finding out i had nothing to benefit him, he found love in a close member of my family. He likes to boast about it pretending i don't know. I have subsequently lost a very important person in my life due to a mans decision making with what he has between his legs. hows that for pain?
Sorry, but how do you know he did this on purpose? You can't help who you fall in love with and quite honestly, the entire point of dating and dating sites is to determine whether or not you are interested in someone or not. Sometimes people aren't. Sometimes it takes a while to figure that out.
You can't possibly know his motives or intentions. The only person's motives and intentions you (or anyone else) can know is your own. Unless you can read people's minds.....can you? If you can, that would be pretty damn cool.