Felix Well-known member Joined Oct 1, 2011 Messages 1,713 Reaction score 1 Location Argentina Feb 22, 2012 #141 Granted, but you always have the same dream in which you are trapped in a supermarket with a bunch of annoying clowns bothering you with flowers that throw water and funny noises. I wish I had four arms.
Granted, but you always have the same dream in which you are trapped in a supermarket with a bunch of annoying clowns bothering you with flowers that throw water and funny noises. I wish I had four arms.
whispers Well-known member Joined Dec 24, 2011 Messages 654 Reaction score 6 Location Quebec Canada Feb 23, 2012 #142 Hahaha granted, but what is the use of four arms when you dont have hands and fingers lol i wish i could meet Ian Somerhalder
Hahaha granted, but what is the use of four arms when you dont have hands and fingers lol i wish i could meet Ian Somerhalder
Missing Well-known member Joined Feb 8, 2012 Messages 75 Reaction score 0 Feb 23, 2012 #144 Granted,but you come back as a zombie I wish I could go a year back in time.
Jilted John Well-known member Joined Apr 25, 2011 Messages 2,915 Reaction score 11 Location North Wales UK Feb 23, 2012 #145 Granted,but in a years time you get back here,and it's granted again,and this goes on for eternity like Ground Hog Day,but longer. I wish my cat would stop meowing at me!
Granted,but in a years time you get back here,and it's granted again,and this goes on for eternity like Ground Hog Day,but longer. I wish my cat would stop meowing at me!
Pezza Well-known member Joined Jan 2, 2012 Messages 1,313 Reaction score 0 Location United States, Mississippi Feb 23, 2012 #146 Granted, but it starts barking at you instead. I wish I could eat as much as I want without gaining weight.
Granted, but it starts barking at you instead. I wish I could eat as much as I want without gaining weight.
S swanlake Well-known member Joined Nov 19, 2011 Messages 419 Reaction score 1 Feb 23, 2012 #147 Granted, but, you can only eat food that disagrees with you and you are constantly using the toilet and vomiting. I wish I didn't need to wear eyeglasses.
Granted, but, you can only eat food that disagrees with you and you are constantly using the toilet and vomiting. I wish I didn't need to wear eyeglasses.
F flaneur Guest Feb 23, 2012 #148 Granted, but people don't think you're as smart. I wish I had a 'block' function in real life.
Missing Well-known member Joined Feb 8, 2012 Messages 75 Reaction score 0 Feb 23, 2012 #149 Granted,but once you blocked someone you couldn't unblock them. I wish I had a nice voice and could sing.
Granted,but once you blocked someone you couldn't unblock them. I wish I had a nice voice and could sing.
F flaneur Guest Feb 24, 2012 #150 Granted, but no one likes your songwriting. I wish I could get by with fewer hours of sleep.
D DreamerDeceiver Well-known member Joined Sep 14, 2011 Messages 2,284 Reaction score 5 Mar 1, 2012 #151 Granted, but you develop a severe allergy to oxygen. I wish I could teleport myself off this rock.
A Aurora Member Joined Mar 4, 2012 Messages 16 Reaction score 0 Location UK Mar 5, 2012 #152 Granted,but you end up in Alcatraz I wish I lived in a log cabin high up in the Nepalese mountains living off the land
Granted,but you end up in Alcatraz I wish I lived in a log cabin high up in the Nepalese mountains living off the land
whispers Well-known member Joined Dec 24, 2011 Messages 654 Reaction score 6 Location Quebec Canada Mar 5, 2012 #153 Granted, but the bugs there are huge and attack relentlesly, so you can hardly spend any time out of your cabin. I wish i had flannel sheets
Granted, but the bugs there are huge and attack relentlesly, so you can hardly spend any time out of your cabin. I wish i had flannel sheets
A Aurora Member Joined Mar 4, 2012 Messages 16 Reaction score 0 Location UK Mar 5, 2012 #154 Granted,but you soon get fed up having copious layers cos,as to quote the advert 'one sheet is plenty' I wish I could pull a wooly blanket over my snoring dog
Granted,but you soon get fed up having copious layers cos,as to quote the advert 'one sheet is plenty' I wish I could pull a wooly blanket over my snoring dog
WishingWell Well-known member Joined Jan 2, 2011 Messages 2,905 Reaction score 8 Location New Jersey, U.S.A. Mar 5, 2012 #155 Granted, but the dog is allergic to the wool in the blanket and it costs you $1,000 for the Veterinarian's bill. I wish you could lose weight by eating ice cream.
Granted, but the dog is allergic to the wool in the blanket and it costs you $1,000 for the Veterinarian's bill. I wish you could lose weight by eating ice cream.
whispers Well-known member Joined Dec 24, 2011 Messages 654 Reaction score 6 Location Quebec Canada Mar 5, 2012 #156 Granted but only liver flavor ice cream, mmmm i wish i didnt have to wear glasses
Jilted John Well-known member Joined Apr 25, 2011 Messages 2,915 Reaction score 11 Location North Wales UK Mar 6, 2012 #157 Granted,but then you see the world as it really is! I wish I didn't have to take my bins(trash) out every Wednesday night.
Granted,but then you see the world as it really is! I wish I didn't have to take my bins(trash) out every Wednesday night.
A Aurora Member Joined Mar 4, 2012 Messages 16 Reaction score 0 Location UK Mar 6, 2012 #158 Granted but the binmen collect on a Tuesday now I wish I had a lamp that could grant three wishes
Jilted John Well-known member Joined Apr 25, 2011 Messages 2,915 Reaction score 11 Location North Wales UK Mar 9, 2012 #159 Granted,but Disney sue you for copyright infringement. I wish I had a boat on the canal.
whispers Well-known member Joined Dec 24, 2011 Messages 654 Reaction score 6 Location Quebec Canada Mar 9, 2012 #160 Granted but the canal goes dry overnight due to aliens who needed water. I wish i had my own home by the lake, with a mountain in the back.
Granted but the canal goes dry overnight due to aliens who needed water. I wish i had my own home by the lake, with a mountain in the back.