Antihero Well-known member Joined Apr 22, 2008 Messages 2,229 Reaction score 10 Location Texas Jan 26, 2012 #101 Granted, but now they love you too much and never give you any space or privacy. I wish I could have a steak dinner tomorrow night.
Granted, but now they love you too much and never give you any space or privacy. I wish I could have a steak dinner tomorrow night.
whispers Well-known member Joined Dec 24, 2011 Messages 654 Reaction score 6 Location Quebec Canada Jan 26, 2012 #102 Granted, but you lose all your teeth in themorning, so youl have to put your steak in the blender to eat it. I wish i had magical powers
Granted, but you lose all your teeth in themorning, so youl have to put your steak in the blender to eat it. I wish i had magical powers
Sci-Fi Watcher Staff member Administrator Moderator Joined Dec 2, 2010 Messages 13,939 Reaction score 999 Location Ontario, Canada Jan 27, 2012 #103 Granted but you can only speak backwards for the rest of your life. I wish I had a maid who worked for free.
Granted but you can only speak backwards for the rest of your life. I wish I had a maid who worked for free.
Vladdy Member Joined Jan 4, 2012 Messages 13 Reaction score 0 Location Tallmadge Feb 2, 2012 #104 Granted, but she is infected with H1N1 and she infects you and you die. I wish...i had at least one friend...
Granted, but she is infected with H1N1 and she infects you and you die. I wish...i had at least one friend...
whispers Well-known member Joined Dec 24, 2011 Messages 654 Reaction score 6 Location Quebec Canada Feb 6, 2012 #105 Granted but he has no money and smooches off of you i wish i could erase all my bills
Sci-Fi Watcher Staff member Administrator Moderator Joined Dec 2, 2010 Messages 13,939 Reaction score 999 Location Ontario, Canada Feb 8, 2012 #106 Granted, but someone comes out to directly collect money from you instead. I wish there were more nice people in the world
Granted, but someone comes out to directly collect money from you instead. I wish there were more nice people in the world
Felix Well-known member Joined Oct 1, 2011 Messages 1,713 Reaction score 1 Location Argentina Feb 8, 2012 #107 The people get nice, so nice they always want to hug you and the old ladies grab your ass. I wish I was Donkey Kong.
The people get nice, so nice they always want to hug you and the old ladies grab your ass. I wish I was Donkey Kong.
Antihero Well-known member Joined Apr 22, 2008 Messages 2,229 Reaction score 10 Location Texas Feb 8, 2012 #108 Granted, but some Italian guy defeats you and saves the princess. I wish I could run a sub-six minute mile.
Granted, but some Italian guy defeats you and saves the princess. I wish I could run a sub-six minute mile.
Jilted John Well-known member Joined Apr 25, 2011 Messages 2,915 Reaction score 11 Location North Wales UK Feb 9, 2012 #109 Granted,but the soles of your running shoes melt and stick you to the track just before the finish line. I wish I could walk on water.
Granted,but the soles of your running shoes melt and stick you to the track just before the finish line. I wish I could walk on water.
Sci-Fi Watcher Staff member Administrator Moderator Joined Dec 2, 2010 Messages 13,939 Reaction score 999 Location Ontario, Canada Feb 9, 2012 #110 Granted, you always stay on the surface of water, never able to swim, shower, or wash cause no water wets your skin. I wish I had magic mops like in Disney's Fantasia.
Granted, you always stay on the surface of water, never able to swim, shower, or wash cause no water wets your skin. I wish I had magic mops like in Disney's Fantasia.
Jilted John Well-known member Joined Apr 25, 2011 Messages 2,915 Reaction score 11 Location North Wales UK Feb 9, 2012 #111 Haha! Granted,but you have to sack you part timer coz he's got nothing to do! I wish every time I opened my fridge door the contents hadn't gone down from the day before.
Haha! Granted,but you have to sack you part timer coz he's got nothing to do! I wish every time I opened my fridge door the contents hadn't gone down from the day before.
Sci-Fi Watcher Staff member Administrator Moderator Joined Dec 2, 2010 Messages 13,939 Reaction score 999 Location Ontario, Canada Feb 9, 2012 #112 LOL I'll sack him alright, a quick hit to the nuts that is. Granted, but every time you open and close your fridge your food supply doubles. I wish I had a motorcycle.
LOL I'll sack him alright, a quick hit to the nuts that is. Granted, but every time you open and close your fridge your food supply doubles. I wish I had a motorcycle.
Jilted John Well-known member Joined Apr 25, 2011 Messages 2,915 Reaction score 11 Location North Wales UK Feb 9, 2012 #113 Granted,but it's a Kamikaze 650! I wish I had a place big enough to store all this food and drink!
C Crimso Well-known member Joined Jan 16, 2012 Messages 67 Reaction score 0 Feb 11, 2012 #114 Granted, but you lost the keys and no one can open it withou it. I wish go to hell and stay there forever no matter what.
Granted, but you lost the keys and no one can open it withou it. I wish go to hell and stay there forever no matter what.
Felix Well-known member Joined Oct 1, 2011 Messages 1,713 Reaction score 1 Location Argentina Feb 12, 2012 #115 You go to hell but Hitler finds you and constantly harases you cuz he finds you extremely attractive. I wish I had a cool medieval armor with a sword.
You go to hell but Hitler finds you and constantly harases you cuz he finds you extremely attractive. I wish I had a cool medieval armor with a sword.
S swanlake Well-known member Joined Nov 19, 2011 Messages 419 Reaction score 1 Feb 12, 2012 #116 Granted, but, you have no clothes on under it, you are locked in it forever and no one will go near you because you smell. I wish I had one of those cute little pocket puppies.
Granted, but, you have no clothes on under it, you are locked in it forever and no one will go near you because you smell. I wish I had one of those cute little pocket puppies.
Vladdy Member Joined Jan 4, 2012 Messages 13 Reaction score 0 Location Tallmadge Feb 13, 2012 #117 Granted, but its alive and always bites you when its near you. I wish i never existed.
C Crimso Well-known member Joined Jan 16, 2012 Messages 67 Reaction score 0 Feb 13, 2012 #118 Granted, but you are like a god and everyone is praying to you and you hear all those prayers but cannot do anything about them. I wish that i can never wish.
Granted, but you are like a god and everyone is praying to you and you hear all those prayers but cannot do anything about them. I wish that i can never wish.
Felix Well-known member Joined Oct 1, 2011 Messages 1,713 Reaction score 1 Location Argentina Feb 16, 2012 #119 Granted, but the genie gets mad at you and beats you with his gold genie lamp in the head and you pass out. I wish I was the Supreme Ruler of the Universe
Granted, but the genie gets mad at you and beats you with his gold genie lamp in the head and you pass out. I wish I was the Supreme Ruler of the Universe
Sci-Fi Watcher Staff member Administrator Moderator Joined Dec 2, 2010 Messages 13,939 Reaction score 999 Location Ontario, Canada Feb 17, 2012 #120 Granted but being supreme ruler means every single person in the universe comes to you with their problems expecting you to solve them all. I wish it would only rain/snow at night.
Granted but being supreme ruler means every single person in the universe comes to you with their problems expecting you to solve them all. I wish it would only rain/snow at night.