Well-known member
I'm somewhat indifferent to mostly everything regarding trending social adherences.
In short:
I don't seek validation, because I already know outright that I'm not going to get it.
Instead, I just short-circuited the algorithm entirely and replaced it. --That was my approach.
I'm kind of the guy that was like: :shy: ...Okay fine, **** it-- If I have to do all the **** in my life that I have to do totally alone with no depth of value to it whatsoever, than when I do actually pull it off (and I WILL pull it off) than I'll place such a high value on my own individual security that I'll pretty much just go Wonka and slam the doors shut. *shrug* It worked for Salinger, I'm just approaching it with love instead of with creative writing.
I'm predominately, mainly single because I am unwilling to take risks on financial security outside of my comfort zone.
I also possess very little to no spontaneity at all, or if in the event that I suddenly feel spontaneous, I first ask myself if I have the allowance for me to act upon that spontaneity. If I don't have the allowance for it, than I don't do it.
I'm also single because I totally refute the ideas of marriage and children.
For Marriage-- I don't want the government involved in my emotionally personal affairs, and I damn sure don't want them telling me what to do with the rest of the money that they aren't taking from me out of taxes.
For Children-- I've been told I have fatherly-esque qualities by single mothers before, because I'm kind and compassionate and generally don't mind kids...except that the entire reason I don't mind them is because: I don't have any. At no point to I want to clock out from work and come home to do more work, basically for free. I have no interest in genetically half-cloning myself, because the only reason why I can even control myself is because I AM me, if I were to splice half of me with half of someone else and then give that thing a sentient existence, that seems much more like a nightmare of slavery, servitude, and horrific thoughts of "please don't decide to be a mass murderer" and I just don't wanna live that way.
The finality of why I'm single is because I have to work very goddamned hard because I was born below the poverty line to a welfare family of physically handicapped drug addicts who *still* can't financially balance themselves out. And so even if I do pull everything off, my parents and younger sister are all going to be calling me up at one point or another asking me for money like they already do. Which would be fine if I worked a 60K a year job or something with some degree being an extrovert, but I don't and I'm not like that. I actually intentionally work lower level types of jobs because if they *know* I'm making a substantial amount, they *will* come and ask me for money all of the time. Just like they did when I was 22 and 23.
So given my situation:
I honestly feel that I'm much, MUCH further ahead to give up and move forward, and doing so actually improves my friendships and social, platonic relationships with women because of it. Girls don't feel threatened that I'm going to try to date them, even if I harbor an interest that they don't really pick up on, because I'm not outwardly throwing myself about in desperation about it.
The irony of it though is that the only time I feel even remotely human is when I'm in a relationship.
Which means: I've actually become comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Which often gets mistaken for me being "confident." To which my rebuttable is: Yeah, I'm confident---I'm confident we're all gonna ******* die a horrible death one day and there's nothing anybody, anywhere can or will be willing to do about it because our society doesn't do what it should, it does what it wants.
The other reason why I'm single is I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in attempting to keep up with modern pop culture phenomena just to be able to have something to talk to people about under a social setting. While I am aware that this is a large part of the reason why I have social anxiety, it's also not worth it to me in order to sacrifice necessity just to be able to do.
There's this really ironic and funny picture somebody made (I love humor, just in small doses, because it's kind of therapeutic to me in a way) and I'm sort of at that point
: My argument being that at least I know why I'm single LOL
I'm somewhat indifferent to mostly everything regarding trending social adherences.
In short:
I don't seek validation, because I already know outright that I'm not going to get it.
Instead, I just short-circuited the algorithm entirely and replaced it. --That was my approach.
I'm kind of the guy that was like: :shy: ...Okay fine, **** it-- If I have to do all the **** in my life that I have to do totally alone with no depth of value to it whatsoever, than when I do actually pull it off (and I WILL pull it off) than I'll place such a high value on my own individual security that I'll pretty much just go Wonka and slam the doors shut. *shrug* It worked for Salinger, I'm just approaching it with love instead of with creative writing.
I'm predominately, mainly single because I am unwilling to take risks on financial security outside of my comfort zone.
I also possess very little to no spontaneity at all, or if in the event that I suddenly feel spontaneous, I first ask myself if I have the allowance for me to act upon that spontaneity. If I don't have the allowance for it, than I don't do it.
I'm also single because I totally refute the ideas of marriage and children.
For Marriage-- I don't want the government involved in my emotionally personal affairs, and I damn sure don't want them telling me what to do with the rest of the money that they aren't taking from me out of taxes.
For Children-- I've been told I have fatherly-esque qualities by single mothers before, because I'm kind and compassionate and generally don't mind kids...except that the entire reason I don't mind them is because: I don't have any. At no point to I want to clock out from work and come home to do more work, basically for free. I have no interest in genetically half-cloning myself, because the only reason why I can even control myself is because I AM me, if I were to splice half of me with half of someone else and then give that thing a sentient existence, that seems much more like a nightmare of slavery, servitude, and horrific thoughts of "please don't decide to be a mass murderer" and I just don't wanna live that way.
The finality of why I'm single is because I have to work very goddamned hard because I was born below the poverty line to a welfare family of physically handicapped drug addicts who *still* can't financially balance themselves out. And so even if I do pull everything off, my parents and younger sister are all going to be calling me up at one point or another asking me for money like they already do. Which would be fine if I worked a 60K a year job or something with some degree being an extrovert, but I don't and I'm not like that. I actually intentionally work lower level types of jobs because if they *know* I'm making a substantial amount, they *will* come and ask me for money all of the time. Just like they did when I was 22 and 23.
So given my situation:
I honestly feel that I'm much, MUCH further ahead to give up and move forward, and doing so actually improves my friendships and social, platonic relationships with women because of it. Girls don't feel threatened that I'm going to try to date them, even if I harbor an interest that they don't really pick up on, because I'm not outwardly throwing myself about in desperation about it.
The irony of it though is that the only time I feel even remotely human is when I'm in a relationship.
Which means: I've actually become comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Which often gets mistaken for me being "confident." To which my rebuttable is: Yeah, I'm confident---I'm confident we're all gonna ******* die a horrible death one day and there's nothing anybody, anywhere can or will be willing to do about it because our society doesn't do what it should, it does what it wants.
The other reason why I'm single is I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in attempting to keep up with modern pop culture phenomena just to be able to have something to talk to people about under a social setting. While I am aware that this is a large part of the reason why I have social anxiety, it's also not worth it to me in order to sacrifice necessity just to be able to do.
There's this really ironic and funny picture somebody made (I love humor, just in small doses, because it's kind of therapeutic to me in a way) and I'm sort of at that point