Incels - A Symptom of Sick Social System

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The situation with guys who get rejected often and guys who have always been rejected is very very different. Very different. To put it simply:

Intensity: Never having any acceptance > Frequent rejections > Rejection > Breakup

We are not talking about guys who get success sometimes and lose sometimes. We are talking about guys, who have never gotten any positive sign from a woman. I don't belong to that category anymore. But I have been that way for about 90% of my life. (you can refer to my old posts, to see how the life of such a person is)
Sure, your ex ''pulled you' because within his belief system, there lies some sort of evidence that he has a chance with someone in the entire world. But for many, such an evidence (in the form of past experience), does not exist. At some point, you chose him, you could have chosen someone else from that circle. But there are guys who came to your life, whom you would never give a chance. We're talking about that guys. For those guys, the situation wouldn't change in a different circle.
When women try to enter discussing about this issue, they claim that although they rejected someone, he has a fair chance in a different circle. This is absolutely untrue. An absolute fallacy.
You were accepted at-least for once by someone.
You haven't seen it happen to you. You'll never know.
Yeah... I've never really sat around wondering why I cant attract a man, ever in my whole life. Dont think I ever will, even at 75... I dont see that happening so I cant imagine what thats like, but at some point its like, would you date a very ugly girl just so you aren't alone?

Sorry for my rant.
I 'm drunk.
And yeah, I saw a pretty decent Asian escort earlier tonight.
Proof that it's not enough.
But still, better than nothing...
At least she was Asian, I like a bit of diversity! You men and your strict types... other races need love too!
So essentially what you are saying is that you want a young, hot chick? A "trophy wife" so to speak...

Have you considered dating women outside that list? I'm not saying it would be impossible to find what you want. But, what you want and what you need are two completely different things.
I joined match a few months ago.
On the cajoling of an acquaintance.
Women in my age range...I just have no attraction towards them.
Not insulting anyone's totally me.
I was cr*pped on by the kids in school from K through 12.
I'm f-d up in the head.
So yeah...I want that hot college or slightly older GF.
It's me...not the world...
Not everyone...

You might want to read Michel Houellebecq, if you tolerate the ugly subject matter. This has been going on for decades. Sexual liberation lead to the pauperization of a large % of people who might have found partners 50 years ago. ( A larger % of awkward men and a smaller number of very unattractive or older women.)
Lol wasn't talking about dating in that but. I mean in general, with the level of consumerism we're in. You want a new toaster, 5 mins later online, one's on the way. You find a post on facebook offensive? Ignore, it vanishes. Instant gratification. Some people seem to apply this to dating and human relationships at large; doesn't work that way.
See, this puts all my peers and myself in exactly the same boat, yet they’re not struggling in the same way. They put themselves on dating apps, and they get matches. I’m not saying they’re out every weekend with a different woman, but they’ve done ok, and all led to long term relationships. I put myself on dating apps and I get zero matches. I put myself out there, I join groups, I go out socially a lot, I try to get my friends to set me up.
I'm just saying, don't stop trying. My problem with the incel mentality is they did and oft blame women. That's like blaming fish for not biting.
At least she was Asian, I like a bit of diversity! You men and your strict types... other races need love too!
I'm pretty narrow in that regard.
White or East Asian are the only two I see.
Again, just me and my f-d up ways.
I've been to S. Korea 4 times.
To see only one girl.
She nearly ruined my life.
I let it happen...

But even so, I really do love Korea. Everything about it. Such a great country.
My avatar is a very famous Korean site...
I'm pretty narrow in that regard.
White or East Asian are the only two I see.
Again, just me and my f-d up ways.
I've been to S. Korea 4 times.
To see only one girl.
She nearly ruined my life.
I let it happen...

But even so, I really do love Korea. Everything about it. Such a great country.
My avatar is a very famous Korean site...
Yeah I give you minus 12 points for that lol (only joking by the way lool)
Why should I have to be anything more than a successful, educated, well mannered, well groomed gentleman?
I am sorry. This is unacceptable
That says much more ab out today's western females than it does about guys like me.

I used to think a very similar thing, from grade school through about freshman/sophomore year in college -

less so the "why should I have to be anything more than a successful, educated, well mannered, well groomed gentleman",

and more of, "all I have to be is a successful, educated, well mannered, well groomed gentleman - I just have to wait out this teenage interest in the jocks, they'll realize these guys are jerks and get tired of them/grow out of them eventually, and then they'll give me a chance, I just have to study and wait, I don't have to worry about anything else".

I didn't know I had to be interested in more than fandoms and "nerdy" interests - I had to do skilled interests as well, at least as much. But I just didn't have those interests at the time, and I thought you had to be talented, and I thought I wasn't so I thought I couldn't do it and I never paid it much attention. Besides, I thought you just had to be "a successful educated well mannered and groomed gentleman" anyway, and stuff like playing a sport or art form didn't matter.

How wrong I was. I came to find that it's not so much about the muscles and money (although I'm sure they don't hurt) but it's more so about being an interesting person - being able to show a woman novelty, and take her out of the humdrum routine of mundane life. "Blow her mind", if you will. It seems to all be about being impressive and interesting.

You can't just talk to your date about spreadsheets. That won't work. It has to be some kind of passion project/lifestyle, something emotional. It's that good feelings stuff I was talking about - what it means to have a romantic life. That's why I think rock star/artist types do so well, they're all about emotions.

As far as it being acceptable or not, the problem is we're in wanting, we don't hold the cards. I would try not to think about it and try to just be as interesting/cool as possible.

How or if I can be impressive or interesting, I don't know. But that's what I think it's about, anyway.
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I used to think a very similar thing, from grade school through about freshman/sophomore year in college -

less so the "why should I have to be anything more than a successful, educated, well mannered, well groomed gentleman",

and more of, "all I have to be is a successful, educated, well mannered, well groomed gentleman - I just have to wait out this teenage interest in the jocks, they'll realize these guys are jerks and get tired of them/grow out of them eventually, and then they'll give me a chance, I just have to study and wait, I don't have to worry about anything else".

I didn't know I had to be interested in more than fandoms and "nerdy" interests - I had to do skilled interests as well, at least as much. But I just didn't have those interests at the time, and I thought you had to be talented, and I thought I wasn't so I thought I couldn't do it and I never paid it much attention. Besides, I thought you just had to be "a successful educated well mannered and groomed gentleman" anyway, and stuff like playing a sport or art form didn't matter.

How wrong I was. I came to find that it's not so much about the muscles and money (although I'm sure they don't hurt) but it's more so about being an interesting person - being able to show a woman novelty, and take her out of the humdrum routine of mundane life. "Blow her mind", if you will. It seems to all be about being impressive and interesting.

You can't just talk to your date about spreadsheets. That won't work. It has to be some kind of passion project/lifestyle, something emotional. It's that good feelings stuff I was talking about - what it means to have a romantic life. That's why I think rock star/artist types do so well, they're all about emotions.

As far as it being acceptable or not, the problem is we're in wanting, we don't hold the cards. I would try not to think about it and try to just be as interesting/cool as possible.

How or if I can be impressive or interesting, I don't know. But that's what I think it's about, anyway.
Skafishy :( See this is the thing, I wont lie, I watched girls on YouTube show how they interact with guys on dating apps, and they are like, oh he said "how are you.... next!" because how are you was too boring, or they replied fine killing the convo and was like ugh he's just too boring lol and I thought please tell me this is a joke... so I agree theres a new, a man has to be interesting and I dont even need to help like play my role in the convo... I do think theres a select few of us that have a sense of humour, and actually want to be interesting too, but so many of us want the guy to do all the work in every single way. Leading the guy to wrongfully believe he is not interesting. I can tell you have strong interests, far from boring ska!

The only 'edge' I have is from negativity and bitterness. Obviously that's not the same as masculine energy.
You'd edge me out the room Ardour! lool only joking, but sometimes maybe you can be a little scary, you know? Thats totally different from have a tiny bit of an edge.
being able to show a woman novelty, and take her out of the humdrum routine of mundane life. "Blow her mind", if you will. It seems to all be about being impressive and interesting.
Yes you are correct.
I bought into the 1950s mindset that my parents, grandmothers, aunts and uncles, teachers, nuns and priests drilled me with when I was growing up and in school. But even in the 50s, most of those guys had been to WW2 or the Korea War, which made them interesting.
This "being interesting" thing is necessary to attract females in 1st world western countries.

If I moved someplace like the Philippines or something...I am sure being "well off" would be much more useful in getting girls.
But, I only ever talk about doing something like that. I'll most likely never pull the trigger.
I think to get some "edge", I might rename myself "Future Man", lift weights, get a Porsche 911 Targa (80s of course - the generation of greed!), wear those sunglasses that look like angry alien eyes, and drive around looking for people carrying things - especially books! I'd pull up, hop out, knock the things out of their hands and punch them in the face, while telling them to "f*** off, nerd!" then hop back in my car and speed away, angrily smoking cigarettes and listening to Flock of Seagulls and other 80s synth-wave sounds...and bobbing my head sideways...angrily.

I'll be so cutting edge, that you'll cut yourself, on my...edge.

Watch out ladies..."Future Man" is coming your way :cool:
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I think to get some "edge", I might rename myself "Future Man", lift weights, get a Porsche 911 Targa (80s of course - the generation of greed!), wear those sunglasses that look like angry alien eyes, and drive around looking for people carrying things - especially books! I'd pull up, hop out, knock the things out of their hands and punch them in the face, while telling them to "f*** off, nerd!" then hop back in my car and speed away, angrily smoking cigarettes and listening to Flock of Seagulls and other 80s synth-wave sounds...and bobbing my head sideways...angrily.

I'll be so cutting edge, that you'll cut yourself, on my...edge.

Watch out ladies..."Future Man" is coming your way :cool:
Lol Why don't you do you, Ska, leave Future Man where he belongs; in David Hasslehoff's magical "see in the past" mirror 😉
I think to get some "edge", I might rename myself "Future Man", lift weights, get a Porsche 911 Targa (80s of course - the generation of greed!), wear those sunglasses that look like angry alien eyes, and drive around looking for people carrying things - especially books! I'd pull up, hop out, knock the things out of their hands and punch them in the face, while telling them to "f*** off, nerd!" then hop back in my car and speed away, angrily smoking cigarettes and listening to Flock of Seagulls and other 80s synth-wave sounds...and bobbing my head sideways...angrily.

I'll be so cutting edge, that you'll cut yourself, on my...edge.

Watch out ladies..."Future Man" is coming your way :cool:
Hahahah, Ska if I'm ever in your neck of the woods we are sooooooooooo bloody going to do this! 🎸 👿
Lol Why don't you do you, Ska, leave Future Man where he belongs; in David Hasslehoff's magical "see in the past" mirror 😉

Yeah I mean, ultimately there is no other way. I really do have to do me, some way.

I don't really think I need to be "Future Man", I just made up the most over the top, nonsensical bro I could think of (what bro listens to Flock of Seagulls? none in the last 30-ish years, lol) as a joke character.

I like to balance out my actual complainy posts with absolute buffoonery to lighten the mood...gotta keep 'em on their toes 😉
Hahahah, Ska if I'm ever in your neck of the woods we are sooooooooooo bloody going to do this! 🎸 👿

Dude you're essential to the plan.
I just sound like a regular need to teach me the posh English accent so it's believable!

I've noticed that all of my alternate personalities/stereotypes revolve around:

- lifting weights
- picking random fights
- driving an 80s sports car
- being some very specific type of jerk

"Angry 80s Man" must have imprinted himself on my psyche somehow 😂
Dude you're essential to the plan.
I just sound like a regular need to teach me the posh English accent so it's believable!

I've noticed that all of my alternate personalities/stereotypes revolve around:

- lifting weights
- picking random fights
- driving an 80s sports car
- being some very specific type of jerk

"Angry 80s Man" must have imprinted himself on my psyche somehow 😂
Try the British version mate, whisky and hot blondes for breakfast, it don't get much better ;)

I think to get some "edge", I might rename myself "Future Man", lift weights, get a Porsche 911 Targa (80s of course - the generation of greed!), wear those sunglasses that look like angry alien eyes, and drive around looking for people carrying things - especially books! I'd pull up, hop out, knock the things out of their hands and punch them in the face, while telling them to "f*** off, nerd!" then hop back in my car and speed away, angrily smoking cigarettes and listening to Flock of Seagulls and other 80s synth-wave sounds...and bobbing my head sideways...angrily.

I'll be so cutting edge, that you'll cut yourself, on my...edge.

Watch out ladies..."Future Man" is coming your way :cool:
Bros! bros! Brossssss! Chant is slowly coming to mind lmao

But in order to really produce a edge I need you to like all my pics but never initiate convos with me omg… thats it…. Ugh you’d be a total monster 🤣🙈
Dude you're essential to the plan.
I just sound like a regular need to teach me the posh English accent so it's believable!

I've noticed that all of my alternate personalities/stereotypes revolve around:

- lifting weights
- picking random fights
- driving an 80s sports car
- being some very specific type of jerk

"Angry 80s Man" must have imprinted himself on my psyche somehow 😂
What do YOU got against the 80's....kid?


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