Unacceptance said:Dear Robocop,
You suck. I hate you.
You are like the Aquaman of robots. While other robots are out there going berserk or being cool with their impenetrable death armor and awesome lasers, you are too busy walking around like you have cerebral palsy and being the police department's bitch. Your gun is also lacking and is rather lame, that's equal to having a small lame penis in robot terms. You are also kind of a cyborg but a dead guy cyborg, that makes no sense and makes you even more of a loser. Also your human face looks like a baby, I hate babies. You need to get around in a car that does not look like it belongs to an investment banker about to have a midlife crisis. Your mask is about the only thing that is kind of cool but overall you look like a gray novelty condom. If I was ever in danger I would not want you to save me because I would probably need to bail you out in the end and that's not what I look for in a hero. I can't believe they matched you up against Terminator in that one video game, he would eat you alive. In fact probably one of those handicapped heroes like Daredevil or that Ghost Buster in the wheelchair could probably rape you and spit on you if they really tried, but that would require touching you and if there is a robot equivalent to cooties, I am sure you have it. I would send you a letter bomb if I could but I am afraid if it didn't kill you, you would be inspired to go do more things and lord knows I don't like it when you go embark on some inane new adventure. Also you talk like you have throat cancer, that's not even close to cool. When will you run out of power and go away?
Much dislike,
- Me.
P.S. My friend hates you and thinks you suck to.
P.P.S. How do you go to the bathroom?
Kick his ass!!!! :club: