Princess Pink Love
TheSkaFish said:Question For the Women:
What do you think of men who collect toys? It's not going to change my mind either way, but I was just curious to see if it always has a negative connotation, or if it can be at least considered neutral in most women's eyes. Personally, I enjoy collecting toys from Star Wars, Transformers, LEGO, miscellaneous creatures, and vehicles such as cars and aircraft.
I used to kind of hide my interest in such things, and I stopped collecting for a while because I just thought I'm in my 20s so I'm supposed to be into different things, or time just passed and I didn't think about it. But lately I was thinking that age is just a number - I'm going to get back into collecting because it made me happy.
I understand nobody likes anyone who is obsessed with anything, but I was just wondering what women thought of this in general.
I have no problem with that. You like what you like. That said, depending on how obsessed you are about it would probably have some kind of impact on any kind of relationship. But, that can be said for anything a person is obsessed about.