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^ apparently you stopped my time warp bubble.
So, to mr. responsible self, I'll watch one episode and then sleep. I promise.
My gosh, calm down. It's not like you actually deal with him anymore. Turn that frustration out on your uncouth dog, because he's really the one who needs it.
Is this the real picture of EWF that should be placed in the Lets See Faces section of the forum since she is always clubbing someone?

Bones said:
Is this the real picture of EWF that should be placed in the Lets See Faces section of the forum since she is always clubbing someone?


Hahaha! Haha! Bones, that's brilliant!
@ VC: Thanks

@ EWF: No more club jokes from me since I have worn it out; however, I could not resist it one more time and the person does look similar in way to you (from what I could tell once in the Lets See Faces section).

Anyway I will not pick on you anymore if I know what good for me because I see the warning level hitting 99% sooner than later. And besides, I seriously need to go after WWC after he told me I had serious problems :( because Pepe the Peu was my best friend yesterday after a deodorant malfunction.
Not everyone understands. That's something I have to keep telling myself.
Not everyone will understand.
painter said:
ladyforsaken said:
Can someone make me a sammich?

I'll do better than that, and make you a PANINI. A hot yummy panini with chorizo, French smoked ham, Emmental cheese and sun-dried tomatoes.


And if you don't like anything in it, I will change the innards of said panini but only if you do the thinking.

As much as I love sandwiches, I don't really understand the typical misogynist/internet thing of "sammiches", and the orders of the makings. Perhaps it's just an old thing passed down from generations when they didn't have middle-class olive shops and cafes, or sandwich toasters.

Warm food > cold food
Paninis > sandwiches

But hey, it's your request Ladyf. If you want a cold sammich then it saves me time... unless I have to go out and farm/harvest/catch/kill/skin/gut etc the contents.

Ah, painter, you're great. A panini sounds awesome right about now. I've no mood to fix up anything to eat for lunch now. And I've got a long day ahead. I'll just imagine the panini now.

Psycho Love said:
Me want drinky.

Me too.

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