What are you thinking right now?

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I think that, in another life, we were together. And if this were another lifetime, I think we would be together. I see what other people see in you, but for some reason it doesn't call out to me. I notice that soft, quiet side of you that I'm sure very few people have ever seen in you.
2 thoughts really
That was one of the best nights for a long long time
Don't be so f***ing gullible and have some respect for yourself.
lonelyfairy said:
Maybe I should then, thank you.. :> *hugs* Sometimes those negative feelings... :(

We haven't really talked, but judging from your posts you seem like a really nice gall. I'd prefer you stay as well, though it's still your own decision. I understand you feel left out, but i think the situation is better than those pesky feelings make you think it is. :)
EveWasFramed said:

We discussed this, that's not a thought.

'Must remember BBQ sauce', see that's a thought.

And stay lonelyfairy, I like seeing your name around, dunno why, just nice for some reason.
EveWasFramed said:
Edward W said:
We discussed this, that's not a thought.

:club: It is if I want it to be. I have the club, remember?
And if this one doesnt work, I have one Rosy sent me. :cool:


No i'm not saying anything useful, just making my presence known. :p
Rosebolt said:
lonelyfairy said:
Maybe I should then, thank you.. :> *hugs* Sometimes those negative feelings... :(

We haven't really talked, but judging from your posts you seem like a really nice gall. I'd prefer you stay as well, though it's still your own decision. I understand you feel left out, but i think the situation is better than those pesky feelings make you think it is. :)

Aw, thank you! :shy: I feel little left out, all my friends from this forum (98% of them) have stopped posting and replying PMs... :/ Maybe they are not lonely anymore so good for them. :)

Edward W said:
And stay lonelyfairy, I like seeing your name around, dunno why, just nice for some reason.

Ok, I try to. :) Thank you.
Why can't I mentally allow myself to just appreciate something and go with the flow. Instead I'm constantly looking for reasons not to. I don't want to do that anymore.
1. So I went and joined some site, am quite glad I did now. :)
2. I don't wanna be sleepy and I don't want to go to bed either, also I hate having to get out of bed in the mornings.
3. I should have bought more candy than I did, it vanished faster than I meant for it to do so. :p
4. I ******* hate panic attacks - one minute everything's fine, next minute I'm freaking the fresia out over who knows what.
5. I need to remember that these feelings never last - they come and go and next time it happens I just need to grin and bear it, go find somewhere I feel safe until everything all goes away.

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