I am dismayed that something I used on my skin yesterday has provoked an allergic reaction. My cheeks look all sunburned and this morning they're actually peeling.
I feel hideous today, all blotchy, and... scaly. *sob* I need a paper bag.
This super-sensitive skin of mine is a pain in the ass.
OK, now I'm freezing, literally shaking and shivering. Maybe this rash is a weird viral thing that is going to kill me in the next 6 hours.
Oh ****, no. We can't let Hypochondriac Girl out of her locked room. That way is only despair, but.... I feel compelled to Google medical conditions now.
Ok, so the two most likely things are scarlet fever and contact dermatitis. Well, I've been inoculated against scarlet fever (at least I think have), so that leaves contact dermatitis, which doesn't explain the chills, but maybe I'm just cold. So whatever, hydrocortisone cream it is.
I still feel self-conscious about going out in public today, which is stupid for two reasons:
1. The people who know me and like me, like me regardless of what I may look like;
2. Anyone who might be so ill-mannered that he can only stare in slack-jawed astonishment or flinch and turn away in horror at my hideousness today can suck it.