so i'm looking up political terms instead of doing homework Obamas coming nto the university of Iowa tomorrow
but I have class while he's speaking and I've already missed a couple of the classes so i can't make it
but woot for UofI
we're just that cool
some old guy started talking to me about his kids and then politics in the waiting room it was hard to make out what he said, becuase he was talking quiet and i was half asleep, actually i just wanted to take nap but i didn't want to be rude
he said RR was the best president ever i donno i'm looking up more about him I know he came up with the trickle down money principle that helped bring the us out of the 80s economic slump, and helped to dissolve the berlin wall which was pretty good but basically he said people go out and buy things, i donno i feel it really projected materialism to a much higher plane than necessary and he was mean to enviromentalist he thought we were just loons

he was even the first person who suggested we drill in the artic reserves for oil, that bitch
i still take environmental issues pretty personally
and the old guy said Teddy rosevelt was one of the worst presidents ever T rosevelt no way man he founded the first national park yellow stone he was crucial in the goldnen years of conservation in the early 1900s He's like my favorite president
hmm that old guy must have really hated trees, but they can be a pain during hayfever season
i'm also looking up progressivism what's the big deal about it?
the political orientation of those who favor progress toward better conditions in government and society
..wait so conservatives are against better conditions what the ****?
what are they for worse conditions, would they prefer if we stopped bathing and lived in tents???
from wiki
". The Progressive Movement began in cities with settlement workers and reformers who were interested in helping those facing harsh conditions at home and at work. The reformers spoke out about the need for laws regulating tenement housing and child labor. They also called for better working condition for women."
hmm looking up wiki article on regan
ohh the was a Lebanese Civil War that sounds hawt
( i'm a terrible person for that

well crap looks like I'll be up late again doing homework
oh well thanks for letting rant and ramble a little bit about my day
and sorry if i offended anyone i'm sure regan was a good person, but people gotta be nice to the greenies, we're not all bunch of pot smoking hippies