Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
I like this.. I understand your stance completely, you left nothing out, I feel like this is the realest answer I got to my crazy question. I think you understand that my desire to understand attraction is not about trying to increase the importance of it, only simply to understand it.Yeah I guess you could say that. Growing up I thought it would make me a "winner", a guy who gets what he wants.
Half of it was wanting to get the hottest woman possible, for the physical thrills, and also because I guess I subconsciously absorbed the idea from society that the guy that gets the hottest girl "wins".
And the other half was wanting to defy what I felt were the "limits" that I felt the "cool kids" placed on me. I wanted to date a hot girl and be like, you bastards can't keep me down.
But that's the thing, what I wanted changed, the more I understood myself, and the more I understood that it wasn't about some kind of social competition, or some kind of bucket list experience, but about connecting with another person that you find interesting and care about.
It took a while getting to that point though, thinking it through. Eventually it just clicked. I noticed that a lot of the traditionally "hot" women have interests and values and personalities that don't match mine. I wouldn't feel comfortable, like I could "be myself" with them, just like I felt around the "cool kids" growing up. And I understood that it doesn't matter how hot a woman is if I can't talk to her because we have nothing to talk about, or if I don't have anything that I want to ask her, if there isn't anything about her that makes me want to get to know her as a person. Or if I don't see myself caring about her as a person.
And I wasn't angry about it either, because it wasn't about giving up, or "being realistic"/"settling"/"staying in my league" or anything like that. When I was a kid, I thought I had to just wait for the traditionally attractive girls to realize that "the cool guys" were jerks, but in time I realized that they weren't going to change, it was who they really were, and I was waiting for nothing, and it didn't matter anyway because they wouldn't have made me happy because we're just not alike. I remembered times when I'd tried to talk to women that I really shouldn't have started talking to because we didn't have enough in common and didn't have similar enough personalities/temperaments/natures or values, and looking back, the conversations weren't even that interesting, weren't even that much fun. It would have saved me a lot of grief to realize this sooner. I wasted a lot of time and energy that I could have been happier, getting upset over nothing I would have been that happy with anyway. That's what I really regret.
I really wish I'd never really given any thought to the whole "cool" world, just thought "eh, it's not for me" and just did my own thing. I wonder who I would have been if I never let that and everything else bother me.
I think that at this point, I've seen just about all the different personality types out there. And I think your last sentence nails it - it would be so hard to find absolutely everything that I'd want in one person, in fact I don't even think such a person exists anymore. Nowadays I'd just rather have the connection, since that's what counts.
What would make me want to get to know the person? Common interests. Showing me an interesting inner world with the thoughts they come up with, makes me curious, makes me feel like they're unique. Them saying or doing something endearing, something that makes me care about them.
I think it's like others have said - physical desire can happen later, the more you like a person and see their good qualities. It's happened to me a few times now.
There is obviously something that some women have that puts them into the "hot category", there is the box I've been trying to open, but it gets shrouded by... "being hot doesn't matter" rather than... what's in the box? The reason for the interest in the box is because in my reality the contents of whats hot or whats not has a dictation... a dictation on what you can expect from society as a whole.
So please allow me to run something more controversial by you...
I think where men and women start to misunderstand each other is around the "attraction dictation",
Men are likely to accept when they have minimal attraction to offer therefore would jump through extra hoops to secure a mate. Men are so much more likely to do this, I have a game I play with my brother, I ask him would he do some ridiculous task if 'hot woman' would be his girlfriend. He says yes 99.9% of the time unless it involves something that questions his "sexuality"...
Women are less likely to accept that they have minimal attraction, simply because, men do not treat us this way. Confidence and self-esteem is more pushed towards women...The most "ugly" woman vs "ugly" man on a dating site would have a very different experience... this is proven... unless the man can compensate in some other way, the uglier the guy the more pics he has with luxury goods on his profile... So women can know that they are no super model however, they also know, they have what it takes to attract a mate with little to no effort.
Is this difference true in your opinion? Do you think most men treat a woman they find more attractive better than they treat a woman they do not find attractive? I hear things like oh 50/50 and blah blah, truth is most men are not implying this is for all women, just the "Average and below" looking women...